road trip part 11

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Hayden's pov
I was driving and I looked at Annie and she was sleeping while we were holding hands, I smile and I kiss her hand
K) so when is the wedding
H) after the baby's born
J) who's you best man
H) my brother Dylan
K) cool, who's her maid of honor
H) it's either Hayley, you, or Jayden, Lauren
Jh) so she didn't choose yet
H) yep
K) I think it's Hayley
H) maybe
Cf) when do you find out the gender
H) when we get back home
C) that's nice
L)how many more hours
H) 7
L) ugh I'm going to sleep
H) k
Then I felt Annie moving
H) how did you sleep
A) eh
Then she put her legs in me
I smile
A) I'm bored can I have your phone
H) where's your phone
A) somewhere plz!
H) ok
I give her my phone
She was on Instagram

Annie's pov
While I was on his phone someone was calling and it was unknown
H) can you answer it
A) sure
I answer it
A) hello
T) well well well
A) what do you want
T) Hayden
A) yea no
T) fine but just to let you know we kissed yesterday
A) ik your lying
T) no I'm not
A) he was with me yesterday all day
T) ugh bye
A) bye🙄
I hang up
H) who was that
A) Tegan
H) ugh how does she know my phone number
A) idk
H) well we're at Denny's breakfast
A) yay I'm starving
K) me to let's go
We all got out and we all ate breakfast

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