road trip part 9

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No one's pov
H) hello
?) Hi babe
H) I'm sorry I have a fiance who are you
?) ......

Hayden's pov
?) I'm Tegan
H) yea goodbye
T) wait

I didn't listen to her I just hanged up on her

A) who was that
H) Tegan
A) ugh her
H) tell me about
A) yea
H) anyways ready to go
A) yea
H) ok

I throw our trash away
And I help Annie up and we go in the car and I help her in and I get in and I drive to the hotel
We arrived
We saw the gang there

H) what you guys doing here
K) oh we had a ride
A) is this person here
Jh) yea she is
They move and we saw
A&H) Tegan!!!
J) you guys know each other
H) Johnny don't you remember her
Jh) no
H) she's my ex Tegan the one that cheated on me
T) what why are you lying you cheated on me
K) what!!
J) you and her dated and you cheated on her
H) what are you guys saying I did not cheat on her Johnny you remember you were the one that told me
Jh) oh yeah now I remember
T) I just wanted to say something to Annie
A) what
T) you are a boyfriend stealer me and him should be getting married and having a child
A) really last time I checked you were the one that cheated
T) ugh I'm going to kill you and your baby
She runs to Annie
I stand in front of her and she slaps me
T) Hayden..
A) that's it
Annie was gonna jump her but I pulled her back
A) let me go!!!
H) no!
A) if I wasn't pregnant I would kill you Bitch!!!
T) try me!!
A) it's on!!
She get out of my grip and runs to Tegan
Before Annie could get her johnny grabbed her
A) let me go Johnny!!!
Jh) Annie no your pregnant it could damage the baby
A) fine let me go
He let's her go and she runs to me
T) you know what
H) what
Tegan runs to me and she tries to kiss me
I dodge her and she falls to the ground
H) bye
T) this isn't over
We all walk inside
J) were sorry Hayden
K) yea sorry we thought you cheated
H) it's fine
A) well we should go and sleep
H) yea night guys
Everyone but Annie and Hayden ) night

They all walk to their rooms and me and Annie go to ours and we take off our shoes we change to our PJs and we lay down and we cuddle
A) night babe
H) night babe
We kiss goodnight and we fell asleep

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