Chapter 1

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"Hey, Stein!" Stein looked up from his book. He saw a tall red head walking towards him and waving. "What is it Spirit?" he said bluntly. Spirit stopped and looked at Stein with a excited look in his eye. "Did you hear about the new student?" Spirit said quietly. Stein pushed his round glasses up the bridge of his nose with his index finger and looked blankly at Spirit. "So, there's a new student? Who cares? We get new students all the time and nothing interesting ever happens." said Stein. "Yeah but did you hear what she can do?" Spirit said, the eagerness in his voice growing. "I overheard from one of the teachers that she mastered genie hunter by the time she was 10!" "Oh?" said Stein cocking up his eyebrow. Though the light reflecting off of his glasses hid it, a glint of interest had entered his eye. If what Spirit had heard was true and this girl really could be so powerful, perhaps Stein could befriend her. By befriending her Stein could use her to his advantage. He could create a death scythe out of Spirit... "What's the girl's name?" Stein prodded with feigned uninterest. "Grace Emortuus I think. And her partner is Finn Leona, that boy we went to grade school with, remember?" Spirit said. Stein didn't remember but went along with it anyway. "Oh, yeah, mmhm." he replied. "Do you know if she's here today?" If Stein was going to befriend this Grace then he'd have to get close fast. The sooner he gained her trust, the sooner he got what he wanted. That is, if she was even as powerful as Spirit said. Stein was never one to skip research before proceeding with an experiment. "Yeah," said Spirit dreamily. "I saw her earlier today and boy, was she gorgeous!" "Well do you know where she is?" said Stein, his uninterested act starting to break. "No." replied Spirit, shaking off his daydreams of the pretty girl. "You certainly seem interested in her Stein. You aren't planning to dissect her or something, right?" said Spirit suspiciously. "No, no! Of course not." said Stein with a fake laugh. "Just interested in such a skilled student that's all." "Okay." replied Spirit. Stein didn't seem to want to dismember this girl but he certainly was acting strange. Stein never asked many questions. He claimed to know everything already. He might've not been thinking about cutting the girl open but Spirit could tell that the wheels in that genius stitched up head of his were turning. The tower bell tolled. It was 6pm. Too late to search for the new girl in school, Stein thought. He'd have to look tomorrow. "It's getting dark, shouldn't we head home, Franken?" said Spirit. Steins glared at him. Through gritted teeth he said "Call me Franken one more time and I'll put your thumb where your nose should be." Spirit sunk in his shoes. "Jeez, someone's feisty today! Sorry, sorry..." he said with his hands up. Stein put his book in his messenger bag and began to walk back home. "Hey, w-wait for me!" shouted Spirit while messily shoving his bag shut and running after Stein.

Little did they know, Grace and Finn truly would be the ones to help Spirit become a death scythe. It wouldn't play out the way Stein thought it would though...

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