Chapter 2

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Grace looked down at the paper where she had written the number of her new apartment. "We just passed it." said Finn with a yawn. "Are you sure? The note says 919 and we're only at 616." said Grace. Finn took the paper from her hands and tapped it. "It says 919 because you're reading it upside down." he said. Grace turned pink. "Y-yeah I knew that." she said confidently. Finn rolled his eyes as Grace unlocked their door. Grace immediately walked towards the window looking out onto the city. Finn smirked. She was always quite taken with a good view, he thought. Finn yawned yet again and looked at his watch. It was almost midnight already. Grace had insisted on dragging him all around town so they could get to know the place. "G, how are you not exausted? It's almost midnight." said Finn in an exasperated tone. Grace waved her hand as if swatting away a bug. "Go to sleep now if you want, cranky pants." she said. Finn would have picked on her for saying "cranky pants" but found he was too tired. "G'night then." he said shuffling to his room with his bags dragging behind him. "Aren't you gonna unpack first?" asked Grace. "Tomorrow." he replied quietly. "Suit yourself. Night." she said still looking out at the city. Even though most people were sleeping, the city stayed illuminated by street lights shining down onto the gray cobblestone streets. After a little while longer, Grace headed to her room as well and began to unpack a few of her possesions.

Today a teacher at the DWMA had taken her and Finn around the school. It was filled with amazing architecture and the kindest and most intelligent students she had ever met. Tomorrow was her first official day in school and she was ecstatic. Although Finn didn't act like it, he was too. She could tell. She could always tell how he was feeling and he could tell the same about her. That was why they'd been scouted out by the DWMA in the first place. Their souls were a perfect fit and, when put together, they were practically impossible to defeat. They'd known each other since they were young and had a very close bond making their power as a team even stronger. When the got the letter saying they were wanted at the academy they were besides themselves with joy. Grace smiled fondly at the grinning moon in the sky. Tomorrow would be a good day.

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