Chapter 42

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Serena tore the hand away from her face and turned to stare at Undertaker. The reaper was careful not to meet her eyes as he stared at his father. Corrine was still on her knees, looking wide-eyed between the two men.

Serena poked Undertaker to make him look at her.

"Hello. That's not a bombshell that you drop on someone and then act as nothing happened."

"Forgive my son. Aelius has never really liked to tell people about me." Lucifer stepped forward with an easy smile and held his arms out.

She saw the irritation the came over Undertaker before he met his father and allowed the man to pull him into a hug. Serena saw their hair mix, strands the same colour and shade of silvery-white before they pulled apart. Standing so close, she could see resemblance better. The same high cheekbones, the same jawline. Undertaker didn't look at his father again as he turned and came back to Serena. She saw something pass over Lucifer's face as his son turned away without a second glance, but it was buried to quickly to be identified.

"Aelius?" She asked.

The reaper glared at her. "It means sun."

"I figured you for a moon person." Serena didn't notice the surprise on Undertaker's face at the comparison and leaned closer to whisper as Lucifer walked over to wave Corrine to her feet. "You know when I asked about what to do now and you said that you had someone coming to look at the house?"


"This might have been something to mention. You know, just drop it into the conversation. Like, 'Oh, by the way, the person that I have coming is my father and he's the devil.'"

"And what would you have said if I had told you?"

The redhead looked away for a moment. "I would've asked if you were crazy."

He gave her a look that was all 'I told you so.'

"I apologize that Elder Haagenti is not here to greet you, my lord." Corrine was on her feet again, but her head was still bowed.

"That's not a problem. This isn't a visit. I only came because my son asked for my help." Lucifer smiled at Undertaker and Serena shuddered a little.

"I'm guessing that you are going to owe him for this?"

"That's right," Lucifer answered for him.

"And in return, I'm going to owe you big."

"Now you're getting it." Undertaker smiled and the resemblance between father and son made Serena shiver.

"That's just not right." Serena turned on Lucifer. "Son's shouldn't owe their fathers. They need help, therefore, you show up. And while we're on the subject, I'm assuming by the one chair in his kitchen that you never visit."

"You went through my house?" Undertaker wondered why he hadn't thought of that before.

"We're not talking about that right now." She held up a hand in his face. "We're talking about your messed up father/son dynamic."

"We don't get along." Undertaker shrugged. "End of dynamic."

"What does liking your family have to do with anything? I genuinely don't care for a large portion of my family and the feeling is mutual. The others don't even care that I exist. But, I still see them at least once a year and if they needed anything I'd be there. It's about blood."

Lucifer smiled as Serena ranted, his focus on her temple. "Speaking of blood."

The redhead stopped talking when his fingers brushed her skin. He leaned closer and she heard a soft inhale next to the healed wound. She started to breathe again when sunrise eyes focused on Undertaker over her head.

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