Chapter 9: Illogical

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The Royal Castle Of Euporieus

King Hiris stood majestically in a costume before a gigantic golden glazed mirror, his six-foot-three fairly toned stature hid beneath the high-priced raiment. He quirked his brow at his reflection with disapproval.

"This makes me look fat." His deep bass voice echoed quietly in the chamber. He had his eyes on his protrusive stomach.

"Plausibly, a corset would do some good here your majesty?" The king's dressmaker, Edgar, suggested.

"No. A change of attire would do." King Hiris had his arms to the side, signalling two servants as they walked up to him and helped him out.

"Next, outfit one-hundred-and-ninety-two!" Edgar said aloud, a little hint of unenthusiasm lingered in his tone.

To the right corner, a mountain of new glamorous attires sat in a pile.

Another servant walked forward with a costume in hand and conveyed it to the two. It took a matter of seconds before the apparel slipped through King Hiris body, his height complimented his fattened body, his cheeks were blushed and plump.

"Hmmm. . ." He mumbled, admiring his reflection. "Hmmm. . ."

"Does it soothe your taste, your majesty?" Edgar asked, fingers crossed behind his back.

"I-don't know. . ."

The door opened wide and General Gellius Hardy trudged in, he had his helmet tucked by his waist. He had a disapproving expression as he came closer. "Your majesty." He stopped and gave a slight bow.

"General Hardy. How good of you to show up." Hiris said, he still gloated at himself.

"We weren't given much of an option."

"What would a procession be without having the head of Euporieus soldiers by my side?"

"Your Majesty, to point out, recalling the soldiers camped out the outskirts of Euporieus isn't a good choice of order-"

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!" King Hiris interrupted. "A night off to honour my kingship isn't much to ask of. Is it?"

The door opened again and Desnix walked in.

"The Eastern walls were attacked earlier today and Euporieus stands at a loss," Gellius said.

"All that doesn't matter much. The great hold of Euporieus still stands untouched which means their effort was in vain."

"Brave soldiers were lost to the beasts."

"A duty well served. Their deaths shall be honoured."

"The villagers are still in despair of their loss. The streets are decorated with the bodies of men and children, houses smothered to rubbles."

"Then we shall fill their thoughts with music and replenish their deserted bellies with food until their jaws throb and their gullets swollen." Hiris snickered.

Desnix stood at the door, he clenched his hands into fists and grit hard his teeth as the image of his junior's limb pinched between the dragon's teeth burned fresh in his head.

King Hiris rolled his eyes towards Desnix. "Did you just come to gloat or you have a word to say Desnix?"

Desnix swallowed up his resentment towards Hiris and stared up at him with a plain expression. "Apologies your majesty. As the law abides, the champion of the day is to be honoured before all of Euporieus." The words felt bitter and empty to him.

"Yeah, yeah-whatever. . .bring the champion to the ceremony, his victory will aid in lightening up the feeble hearts of the subjects." King Hiris turned to Desnix fully and said with a grin, his hands stretched to his sides. "Now. . .How do I look?"

"Dignified as always, my king." The words weighed down in Desnix' throat as they escaped his mouth.

"As expected of your loyalty." King Hiris turned to Edgar. "Get this set for the procession."

"Yes, your majesty," Edgar replied with a bow.

The maids walked up to King Hiris and helped him out the costume. General Gellius had noticed the atmosphere hovering around Desnix as he started for the door, he stopped before him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sorry for your loss." He muttered softly before he continued out the door.

Desnix rose his gaze up to King Hiris and glanced as he fondled one of the maids underneath her garment. She showed neither sign of emotion nor did she contest as she stood still like a play doll for her king. It was all an interest of time before the balance would shift. He turned back and started out the room. His heart heaved with anguish for he was no more a father to be called upon.

 His heart heaved with anguish for he was no more a father to be called upon

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To The Eastern Kingdom Of Nepmat

"Words arrives from Lioraun." Xharlor said.

King Eriyn stood at the balcony of his chamber. He gazed far into the early evening of the desserts as the cool breeze brushed gently against his robe with his hands behind his back. The night stood still with the stridulating sounds of wild locusts and the croaking of bullfrogs echo through the mist.

"What does it say?" King Eriyn replied, his gaze still fixed out the terrace.

"Euporieus still stands. . .but they've been dealt with a heavy blow."

"Flare up the torch. . .for we lay ambush in three nights to come."

To The Western Kingdom Of Nepmat

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To The Western Kingdom Of Nepmat

King Seihon sat by the window, a chess board laid before him. Eondtan moved his black knight forward, placing King Seihon's castle and King in distress.

"Quick to temper. . ." King Seihon said, he held up his Bishop and moved it back diagonally and ruled Eondtan's knight out of line.

Then, the red fiery tongue lit up suddenly from the East of Nepmat licked the darkness.

King Seihon turned out the window and continued. ". . .is quick to perish."

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