Chapter 11: Conviction I

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It's been two nights and a day since the previous encounter with the north on Euporieus, which claimed the lives of many. The kingdom had begun reconstruction on the affected areas and people had resumed their daily lives as though nothing had happened, for they were no infants to such usual happening. But, that of the latter, is the one that shook the faith of Euporieus, for they knew that if the beasts could breach the walls, then, they surely would be back to finish what they'd started.

In the company of ale and whores, Desnix found solace in, ever since the demise of his son.

"Drink. Be drunk in wine and come ravage every bit of me with your body of steel and I promise, I shall wipe away your pains with my thighs."

He recalled the words which belonged to the whore that saw to his biding. Not an ounce of his conscience ruled him for his acts, for he had none to be a judge. He felt his heart churn in his chest and each gulp of ale he took seemed like acid skidding down his throat as he reminisced the past.

Eighteen years ago, shortly after Euporieus had plunged into famine. His wife had embarked on a journey beyond the walls, for a rumour sizzled amongst the common man, of a black marketer who wandered the outskirts of the four kingdoms, in possession of supplies that could last a nation for a week and of many that had ventured on such fictitious adventure, none returned back to the kingdom.

Or so, it should have been.

Until a cart was discovered beside the southern gates on the fourth nights. The guards where alarmed when the ill patched garment covering the cart pulled out, revealing a trunk full of headless bodies, lifeless and cold and it was all a matter of time before reality struck Desnix when the markings etched on his wife's abdomen creeping down her inner thigh came into view.

The quicker the news had gotten to Hiris, the quicker it ended, without a hint of remorse in his authoritarian voice.

Desnix' heart grew bitter with hatred, for he knew Hiris actions were behind the ill fate that had befallen Euporieus. With an iron hand, he tutored his son and in all his son had thrived in, none seemed to be worth his praise. Not until two days earlier, he had lost him to the belly of the beast and his death wouldn't be honoured, for he understood the likes of Hiris. And the death of his son just meant another tombstone to Hiris.

At a far corner of the dim-lit pub, Desnix sat, as sober as usual

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At a far corner of the dim-lit pub, Desnix sat, as sober as usual. A wine pitcher to oneself was worth fifteen Euporieuan coins and even though such was hard to come by, Desnix had a pouch full of hard-earned coins and a pitcher to his bidding.

The tavern was spirited at an odd time of the evening and those who sought the drowsy feel of wine to wallow away their worries, found comfort at different corners of the room.

At a fairly brightened corner of the tavern, a drunk had begun causing some ruckus.

"Just let me in you for one night. I promise you'd grow weary of any other after me." He babbled, his hands slipping down the female's hand in a loathsome manner.

"Get your hands off me!" She scowled and shoved his hands off hers.

"You insolent fool. I have coins and whores at my beck and call, having you would be another arrow in my quiver." He clenched her thighs and grinned sinisterly as he manoeuvred his way up, underneath her clothing. "Your parents owe me more than a measly, little pee-hole like you, so why not stay in place, be nice and have me access your inner kingdom?" He whispered in her ears, his voice was taunting like the devil's advocate.

"Stop it. . .please." She pleaded softly.

"I find pleasure in it, when you beg like how your sister before you did."

"Lindtia! Lindtia!"

The call echoed aloud from outside the tavern briefly before a young boy, broke through the swivel doors.

"Lindtia!" He called out once more as he peered his gaze across the room before his eyes met the troubled look of his petrified sister.

"You know this smut?" The drunk turned his gaze from the boy back at Lindtia, he still had his hands underneath her dress.

"Aaaarggghhh!! You bastard!!!" The boy yelled and launched at the drunk, he had uncovered a pocket knife from his back pocket and ran it into his right eye.

"Aaaarggghhhhhhh!!!" The drunk kicked back against the boy in severe pain as the knife had its blade deep in his eye socket. "You fucking pig!!"

The young boy had hopped off the drunk and tried reaching for his sister before the sudden blow of someone's heel in his gut sent him crashing backwards.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!! I'm gonna kill you!!" The drunk huffed aloud.

The young boy fluttered his eyes tiredly as the drunk's voice grew nearer. He had his hands across his stomach, to the sides for they ached badly. Then, a sturdy figure eclipsed the little light that shone on him from the window. He was in no hurry to get a peek at the mountainous figure that stood beside him, but instead, it was something silver that gleamed quietly at him that drew his attention away. Lo and behold, the stranger beside him had a silver-plated heel for a foot, but he wasn't able to get enough of the view as the stranger picked him off the ground and held him firmly in place.

"Have you the slightest idea of the depth of trouble your in?!" The drunk grit hard against his teeth. "First, your parents owe me rent, second, they owe me coins and, thirdly, they now owe me your life!" He concluded his speech with his fist plunged into the boy's abdomen.

"Please, please I'd bend to your will. Just don't hurt him please, he's just a child." The lady pleaded, even though she trembled quietly in her voice and also in her dress, she couldn't help witness another take the hit for her.

"The time for a bargain is long gone. You belong to me now, whether you like it or not. But your brother, is as good as a slaughtered swine." He replied and thrust another blow into the boy's gut.

The young boy flinched in pain, but couldn't move as he had himself constrained.

"Please. . .Somebody. Please help." The lady begged as she turned her head towards the faces of the onlookers. But none seemed to make the slightest move to her plea.

She was unaware of her actions until she'd broken a chair on the back of the drunk as he had landed yet another knuckle punch in her brother's gut.

Angrily, he quipped around swiftly and landed a blow, with the back of his fist on her cheek as she fell backwards, crashing into a table.

"Would be kind enough to take this outside?" The bartender asked calmly, he had a napkin in his hand pressed against the wooden counter that served as a platform for some buyers. He wasn't too thick or muscular in stature, but he could pass for an able man.

The drunk unsheathed a sword that had been concealed behind his long robe and had it up at the bartender.

"Say yet another word and be rid of your filthy tongue!" He threatened.


The silent whisper that hissed past, between the drunk and the bartender, stole the drunk's sword off his hand and nailed it to the wooden wall.

"What the-?"

"How full of yourself could you possibly be?" Desnix said quietly as he closed in on them.

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