Dreams and Jutsu part 16

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_________Tila's dream________

Darkness. I stand there in the darkness, waiting, the anticipation almost agonising.

Slowly, an irk creeps over my skin. Like small bugs are crawling up my legs, higher and higher. Engulfing my legs, up my back, over my stomach. I still can't see. I blink, desperately, the blank abyss before me is suffocating. My breaths become heavy, erratic. I struggle to fill my lungs with enough air.

The only part of me that hasn't been drowned is my face. I need to shake off the bugs, but, I can't move. Shock holds me in place.

A dim light fades into view, replacing the darkness. Vision refocuses, I peer down only to realise it isn't bugs. The infestation overtaking my body, the cause, black widowed spiders. hundreds of them. My breathing starts to race. Heartbeat thumping faster, harder. I'm going to pass out. Wait?

I had already passed out.


Memories rush back in flashes, forcing me to snap back. I was hyperventilating in real life. I couldn't stop it. Choking out, gasping for air but it was no use. I could feel my airways closing up no matter how hard I tried to breathe. Waves of anxiety rushed over me like a chilling deadly breeze.

Suddenly, Sasori stood up and stared at me in confusion. Had be been resting beside me this whole time?

"Tila, calm down and breath slowly" His voice raised as he placed his hand on my back. Rubbing it reassuringly. I closed my eyes and slowed down my breathing. It took a minute but I could feel my airways relaxing and my body calming down. I take a moment to compose myself.

"What happened to me Sasori?" I ask, searching his gaze on me for answers. "You pushed yourself too hard and you collapsed in the shower, I had to get Kakazu to patch you up". His touch disappeared and he sat down.

"Oh I'm sorry, I don't mean to be such a bother.." It was a little uncomfortable, usually no one cared. Sasori was calm. "Your not a bother Tila, I just wish you'd be more careful".

I slowly nod, our gaze connects. There's a small, unusual silence between us. It was hard to read the air. He didn't look tired at all, in fact, now that I focus on Sasori's face I notice how flawless his skin is. I look over to the side bench and realise I had an IV in my arm, an empty bag with NS written on it hangs. I must've been really dry for them to give me fluids.

My gaze follows the line down to where my arm is.. I look down and see that I'm clothed again, wow okay, this is really embarrassing. How could he not think I was a nuisance, even I thought that right now.

My stomach gurgles loudly. "Hmm, not now stomach!" I mutter under my breath. Sasori stands. "The bags empty and I'm sick of waiting, let's go and get you something to eat".

I nod, dangle my legs off the end of the table. carefully I pull out the cannula. Sasori hands me a cotton bud and a piece of tape to put over the small puncture. H holds out his hand, I take it and slip off the bench slowly. "You must be getting over having to dress me every time I pass out naked" I mumble shyly.

A small cheeky smile breaks out across his features. "I don't mind, it's not like you do it on purpose right?.." He lets go of my hand and I blushed a little. He ignores it completely as we walked out of what appears to be an infirmity. We headed down the hall. It must have been very early in the morning because the hallways were quiet and there was no one in sight. Eventually, we reached the kitchen. Sasori pulled out a chair for me to sit down on ."Thanks, you don't have too you know?" I felt myself being pushed back in towards the table.

"Don't complain when someone does something nice for you." That usual calm tone he spoke in was oddly comforting. He goes to pulls out a fry pan from the cupboard. Come to think of it, Sasori had done a lot of nice things for me. I don't know why, ever since I arrived he's looked after me. I thought that members of the Akatsuki were supposed to be cold blooded killers, maybe that was just a front to scare people.

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