Heed My Warning Part 46

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I flip the hood of my Akatsuki cloak over my head to shield myself from the relentless plonking of raindrops. Pain, Konan and I make our way towards the centre of the village. The lights of the tall towers flashed in the near distance and the rain continued to fall as we came closer to the shops.

"Should we stop and grab something to eat?" Pain asked from in between Konan and I.

"If we're going to continue to travel through the night then I think it would be a good idea" Konan reasoned so the three of us kept walking down the centre of the village until she spotted a small deserted dumplings shop. We sat inside the small empty restaurant and ordered a verity of food although Pain did not eat anything so Konan and I happily took our time and enjoyed our meal.

"This village.." I Started to say as Konan and Pain both focused this attention onto me as we say huddled around the table, "It seems that there is a lot of poverty here" I said quietly as I sipped at my cup of tea.

"Indeed," Pain replied, "This village has been riddled with war for a long time.. It's only since Konan and I have taken control that there is now some peace to be had here." I watched as Konan lowered her head slightly and looked down at the table quietly.

"You two have been through a lot, I can't tell" I said softly.

"That is why together we will make this dream of ours a reality.. A peaceful world" Pain rubbed Konan on the back gently. The three of us finished at the restaurant and made our way back out into the village centre, we continued to walk past empty shops and the occasional child sitting in the street begging for money. Eventually we reached what must have been the tallest tower within the village.

I followed closely behind Pain and Konan as we entered the building and started to climb the endless stairs. We continues to climb, higher and higher and I felt myself wonder what I was to see when we reached the top. Finally we ascended the last flight of stares, we walked towards a lone door located at the end of the thin hallway. Pain pushed it open as Konan and I followed in behind him.

As we entered the image I immediately saw was of a gauntly thin pale man with dark red hair who had multiple long black rods sticking out of his back.

"Nagato, I'm so happy to see you," Konan said. I watched as she strode over towards a weak looking Nagato and embraced him into a tight hug. His purple ringed eyes fell onto me as he hugged her. Konan let go of him and turned back around to me then she beckoned for me to come closer. I slowly started to take steps towards the two.

"Tila, I've wanted to meet you for a long time," Nagato's weary voice said to me.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, if I had know earlier than maybe we could have met before now," I said kindly before stopping before Konan and him.

Nagato gave me a small confident smile. I felt a strange feeling of warmth come over me and I decided to do something that my gut was telling me to do.. I gently hugged Nagato.

I felt his arms slowly raise and hug me back. As we let go of each other Konan seemed as though she was glad we were all together. The smile she had and the small sparkle in her eyes told me so.

"Konan, Tila.. I've summoned my six paths and as soon as they get here we may set off for the village hidden in the leaves" Nagato informed us.

"Yes, I think we should ride on Kim the chameleon.. That way we won't be seen," Konan suggested. I watched as Nagato nodded in agreeableness. Suddenly I heard the door creek open and five different people who resembled Pain walked in. I stared at them as they stopped in the middle of the room and stood together in a line.

"Summoning Jutsu," a small girl said, then, before I knew it a large lizard looking thing was standing before us.

"Alright, shall we depart then?" Nagato questioned - Konan nodded and proceeded to help him onto the back of the lizard. All of a sudden a swirling figure started to appear from beside the wall - as the swirl ended Obito was now standing looking over towards us.

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