Chapter 1 The Voice of The Forest

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It was a bright and sunny day; a cool breeze whispered though the trees and gently ruffled the grassy fields. Birds flew overhead singing happily, perfectly content with their carefree existence. Flowers dotted the area adding more color to the otherwise plain grassy fields. The center of the field was Hunter a young archer in training. Hunter stood still; listening to the sounds around her and feeling the wind gently ruffle her thick brown fur and dark green cloak. "Lean to listen to the voice of the forest, it will guide you to your destiny." her grandfather's words echoed in her mind. Eyes closed Hunter strained to hear the forest voice but all was quiet. Hunter sighed and slowly opened her jade green eyes. "When will I be able to hear the voice of the forest?" Hunter had asked her grandfather Ki while he was weeding his garden "When you are ready." He had replied before returning to his garden. Hunter sighed again and started her long trek home. "What do I have to be ready for?" Hunter wondered as she walked down the familiar dirt path that lead to her home. Hunter listened to the calming sound of leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. Suddenly there was a loud thud. Startled Hunter quickly turned to see who or what has caused the noise. Under a mess of leafs and twigs was a familiar shape "Fidget you fuzz brain!" Hunter exclaimed rushing over to him. Fidget was Hunter's little brother her only other family member besides their grandfather. Hunter helped Fidget up as he picked the twigs out of his brown and white fur. "I've told you a million times to watch your footing when you're climbing." Hunter scolded "Why don't you open your eyes? It will be easier on both you and me." Hunter asked hotly. "You know why." Fidget replied calmly as he picked a twig from his striped red and white bandana" I want to improve my gift." Fidget's gift allowed him to see the world with his eyes closed but only for a short time. Hunter had found out about it when she blindfolded Fidget so he wouldn't see his birthday surprise. Fidget rarely opened his eyes anymore not after their grandfather said that with practice he would master his gift. "Besides" Fidget continued waking Hunter from her thoughts "Keeping my eyes closed keeps my other senses alert." Hunter picked the last twig off Fidget's oversized red sweater and smiled "I know you want to improve but you can't if you break your neck!" Hunter gave Fidget a friendly shove. Fidget opened his amber eyes and laughed, suddenly the wind picked up. Leafs and twigs flew everywhere blinding Fidget and Hunter. "Hunter.....Hunter....." a gentle voice echoed through the trees as the wind died down. Hunter looked around "Who's there?" Hunter called but there was no answer. Hunter shook her head in confusion
"How strange..." Hunter thought. Then she heard the voice again "Hunter.....the village.....the village....." Hunter blinked in surprise "What village?" she called but once again there was no answer. "Who are you talking to?" Fidget asked taping Hunter. Hunter stayed quiet straining to hear the strange voice again, but after a while she replied "No one, don't worry about it." Fidget shrugged then said "We should get home or gramps will worry." and with that the two siblings headed home. As she walked down the dusty path Hunter thought about what the voice had said, there were no villages nearby, at least none that she knew of. Hunter kept listening for the voice and before Hunter knew it they were home. Fidget was too busy working on his gift to notice Hunters odd behavior as they approached the door. Their home was a small mansion that was hidden deep in the forest. Vines covered the plain white outside exterior covering parts of the windows. On the inside were four rooms with personal bathrooms, one kitchen/living room, Ki's garden and the training ground made up the backyard. The sun was just being to set when Fidget and Hunter got home. The two siblings carefully tip-toed though the doorway, both hoping their grandfather was in his garden. "Your late." said a raspy voice behind them. Hunter and Fidget turned around reluctantly, it was Ki their grandfather.

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