(RomCom)The Princess and the Stalker.

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What is the opposite of a kiss?

If you ask me something like that, I'd probbably want to take you to a mental hospital, for something so random.

But unfortunately I can't tell my teacher that.


"What is up with these topics!" Jessica asked dramatically.

Jessica is the drama queen of the squad, but mostly she is just an idiot. She has long, straight, blonde hair and blue eyes. Tanned skin and the figure of a runway model. She has a killer sense of styl, the result of her only reading gossip and fashion magazines.

"I know right! It is as if she likes to see us suffer. This is not gonna be easy." Lilly joined in.

Lilly is a fan of all things music. She plays instruments and has the heart of an angle. She has pale skin and white blonde hair that makes her look even paler. She usually wears black band T-shirt so that it at least looks like she has a body. She has light blue eyes and freckles.

"Well, that's to expect from her. It is our final for this year so..." Lexi said.

She is an emo goth hybrid. She even looks like a stereotypical vampire. Pale skin and black hair. She only wears black, but you can catch her with a splah of dark red on a good day. She only has black makup and has a weird vibe to her. We all know she is harmless though.

"What do you think, Alex? You are the teachers pet after all." Nancy asked in a teasing tone.

Nancy is the sporty one in the group and her body is proof of that. Guys drool over her, but ironically she can't land herself a solid date. She has green eyes and tannish skin. Her red brown hair also has a slight curl to it.

"Utterly ridiculous topic I have as well. Ugh! How am I suppose to get through this semester with.... THIS!" I said with my hands in my hair.

That's me Alexandra Elisabeth Heart. I'm your average looking 17 year old. I have tannish white skin and dark brown hair. Eye colour isn't important. I am currently in grade 11 and a student at Victoria Academy.

You're probably confused about the conversation, well here is what happend...

~In English class with Ms. Ackerman.~

"As you know the next assessment will count about 70% of this term. Meaning it will count about 40% in total for your final mark the end of the year. Gosh I can't believe it's already September! Oh how time flies when all you do with your live is listening to teens gossip." She said sighing.

The teacher was short with dark brown hair. She always wears something outdated or something that looked like a 5 year old picked it out. She had no sense of style, but if it came to teaching she was one of the best, in my opinion.

"Now unlike other semesters and years before, the topics will be working diffrent. I will personally pick one for each of you. So if you were horrible to me this year I'm going to give you a hard one. Ha! Just kinding! You're all getting hard topics!"she said laughing maniacally.

I take it back this teacher is crazy!

"The first reason for this is I want you to think ouside the box or even better! Destroy the box completely! I want you to think of a story that if worthy of the wall." She said pointing to a wall on the left side of the classroom. It was filled with names and diffrent writting pieces. Poetry, essays, rhyms even song lyrics. If you could impress her, your work was put there for all to see.

Believe it or not, but I actually have one or two of my own up there.

"The second reason why I'm doing this is because you bore me to sleep sometimes, but that's not important. Now when I call your name please come to my desk. The details for the assignment will be handed out to you in the meantime." She said before taking a seat at her desk. She called up one by one.

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