The Conductor

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"We need to go to Kyoshi Island," I told the conductor.

"You're on the wrong train," he replied, looking us up and down. "You," he said to Shen, "Don't look like you belong in first class. Are you -"

"Are you saying you have a death wish? Turn this train around, now." I ordered.


"Fifty gold pieces."




"Hundred fifty."


I wasn't gonna tell this guy how much money I had. Instead, I nodded to Shen once.

She grinned and wrapped her arms around him from behind, pulling his wrists behind his back and up to his shoulder blades. It was painful, I knew.

"What in hell?" the Conductor asked.

"No, I'm not in hell," I told him as I pulled the brakes and pressed the button to start the engine on the other side of the train. No, I don't normally drive trains, nor have I ever seen the control room of one, but my mother is Asami Sato and I can break in to the most secure places in the world with a smartphone. I sure as hell can drive a train if I want to.

"She is hell," Shen clarified.

The man squirmed. "What are you going to do with me?"

"Let you off at one of the stops, duh. I may be hell, but I'm not heartless."

"What?" He asked.

"Korra and Asami's kid. Nicest badass you'll ever meet." Shen tossed him onto a chair and tied him down as I typed in the coordinates for Kyoshi Island.

"Tie his mouth," I reminded.

"Yeah, but first...." Shen wrote down something, handed it to the conductor, and held the speaker in front of his mouth. "Or else," she said.

I raised my eyebrows. What was she up to?

"Hello, passengers. This is your conductor. I regret to inform you, this train has suddely changed destinations to Kyoshi Island. Of course, you may take your luggage and tickets and get off at the next stop. All crew members are also asked to leave. We will arrive back in Republic City in ten minutes."

Shen nodded, tied a gag around his mouth so he could breathe but not scream, and we walked out together.

Shen smirked at me. "Two young teens scaring two fully grown men in fifteen minutes? Yeah, we're badasses."

"We do make a good team," I agree.

"Yeah, let's take your mom back by storm!"

"Actually, we may have to pick someone up before we do that."


"I've told you about my family friend Amber Beifong, right?"

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