Don't Make Yourself At Home Kang Taehyun

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     "What's your name boy?"Beomgyu asked and stretched jumping onto the couch. "Kang Taehyun."Taehyun says and sits next to Beomgyu who gave a face of disgust and moved away. "Bitch move the fuck away from me!"Beomgyu said and crossed his arms in a playful manner. Taehyun snorted and moved closer anyways. "I have my donut slippers and donuts don't hurt but this do!"Beomgyu said raising his slipper. "Eek, scary grandma!"Taehyun said and moved away.

"What the hell did you just call me-"






"Bitch you don't mess with the Choi fucking Beomgyu!"

"I do what I want!"Taehyun said and got comfortable on the couch while whistling and rubbing his arm that had a mark that looked very very familiar to a slipper. "You hit me hard damn."Taehyun said and whined. "Why you gotta be so mean?"he asked.

"Because I am!"

"Y'know what I'mma just make myself comfortable."

"Don't make yourself at home Kang Taehyun!"

"Bitch I know I ain't volunteering to get hit with a slipper by a old man grandma!"

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