Part 4

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       Paws aching, Aspenkit padded beside his father. Both Pinekit and Brackenkit had given in to their fatigue and both were now fast asleep; Brackenkit on Shadecreek's back, and Pinekit being carried by Cloverstar, his light brown pelt barely visible against the leader's tortoiseshell coat.

       Despite his own muscles screaming at him to take a break and ask his father to carry him, Aspenkit walked along, determined to make it just a bit further, at least until Cloverstar called a break, or until one of his brothers woke up.

       Their journey had started early that morning, when the sun was barely touching the tops of the pine forest that was ShadowClan territory, and now it was almost sunhigh. In late newleaf, sunhigh was usually a pretty warm time of day. However, the shade of the pine trees usually provided a cool layer of shade and protection. Not today. The sun beat down, the heat making Aspenkit uncomfortable, even with the breeze. 

      The ginger tom-kit was lost in his thoughts of the nursery and a nice, cool drink of water as he got the sticky heat washed away with his mother's gentle strokes, when Cloverstar and Shadecreek stopped, Aspenkit bumping into his father. 

       "We're here." Shadecreek said softly, crouching down so Aspenkit could wake Brackenkit, then Pinekit, both of whom objected quite strongly to being woken up, but Brackenkit grew energetic once more when he realized where they were.

       For the first time, Aspenkit got a good look at the little clearing they were in; it was a nice little clearing, dappled sunshine adding a nice, gentle tone to it. The clearing was surrounded by pine trees, with one lone aspen tree shading a patch of soft-looking bracken and moss. Peaceful. 

       The little clearing seemed to be one held in high regard, as Aspenkit noticed Cloverstar murmuring her thanks to StarClan for keeping this place safe and undisturbed, while Shadecreek told the story of their birth to his brothers.

       The curious kitten padded over to his leader, sitting down and pawing at her side softly. "Cloverstar?" He asked quietly. "Since my dad is busy with Brackenkit and Pinekit, could you tell me the story of this place, and how I was born?"

       To his relief, Cloverstar nodded, leading Aspenkit over to a soft patch of moss, settling in, motioning for the kit to lie down beside her, so he did, tucking his paws under him and getting comfortable, ears pricked to listen as Cloverstar began to speak.

       "A few moons ago, before you were born, a pack of dogs had driven us out of camp." Cloverstar began, her eyes darkening at the memory. "These dogs weren't like the pampered Twoleg pets, no. These dogs were wild, and vicious, and somehow could speak cat. They were intent on driving us out, and killing those who resisted, so we had no choice but to run. They chased us out of our territory, so we took refuge in SkyClan, living there until a patrol of ShadowClan and SkyClan warriors were able to drive out the dogs, killing their leader so that they wouldn't come back.

       "We began making the journey home, your mother being quite far along, as she was expecting you and your littermates. Shadecreek didn't leave her side at all, and Flamesong was up ahead, making sure the elders were at a good pace so they could get home first, which I had told him to do.

       "The journey went smoothly at first, with your mother experiencing some discomfort here and there, but when we crossed the border, that was when the contractions started, and your mother began to panic. 

       "Shadecreek had called out to me, telling me he needed help getting Gingerfall to a safe place to deliver her litter, and I stayed behind, bringing her here just as it began to rain, thunder rolling across the sky. 

       "You were born first, so your mother named you Aspenkit as a way of giving thanks for the aspen tree that gave her shelter from the storm." Cloverstar explained, her voice growing gentle. "Then Pinekit was born, and your mother named him after the pine forest we call home, as this clearing marks the beginning of the pine tree line. Then came Brackenkit, and he was named for the soft patch of bracken that your mother delivered you on, that gave her comfort from the cold, wet ground." 

       Aspenkit's eyes widened at the story, his mind racing. "This actually happened?" He asked in a small voice, his blue-green eyes filling with wonder when Cloverstar nodded. "Poppywhisper told me that kits born during a storm are destined to be great warriors, or that a powerful StarClan warrior had a paw in shaping their destiny!" 

       Shadecreek and his two other sons padded over, and the large mottled tabby purred at his firstborn's words. "You all are destined to be great warriors, my son." He mewed gently, wrapping his tail around his kits. "And when the time comes, each of you will become as strong as the great warriors of LionClan, TigerClan, and LeopardClan."

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