Part 6

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       Half a moon passed since Aspenpaw and his littermates started their training, and all three brothers barely had any time for each other now, as their mentors worked them hard, and all three of them had grueling schedules. Aspenpaw was turning into a fine hunter, and Pinepaw was an amazing tracker. Brackenpaw, as it just so happened, had a knack for both.

       Today, however, was different. The three brothers were woken by Shadecreek well after the sun rose. Well, Aspenpaw was woken by Shadecreek; his littermates were still fast asleep in the large nest the three brothers shared. 

       "Aspenpaw, wake the other two, and meet me outside." Shadecreek said. "I have their mentors as well." 

       Aspenpaw nodded and went to Brackenpaw, figuring he'd be the easiest one to wake up, seeing as he was often an endless ball of energy. "Brackenpaw, wake up, Shadecreek and your mentors want us outside." He hissed, growling softly when Brackenpaw murmured sleepily, swiping a paw at his brother. "I mean it, lazybones!" He hissed again, not being as gentle this time when he shook the sleeping tom with his paws. "I am not getting in trouble because you won't wake up! I swear I'll put burrs in your nest if you swipe at me again."

       Brackenpaw opened his blue eyes, blinking away the sleep that fogged their pale depths, and drew a paw over his muzzle, looking at his littermate. "Sheesh, fine." He mewed groggily. "No need to be so aggressive." Sitting up partially, the dark ginger tom began to wash his fur, his thick pelt becoming messy from sleep.

       As Brackenpaw slowly woke himself up, Aspenpaw moved to Pinepaw. "Pinepaw, wake up." Aspenpaw said, not bothering to keep his voice low as he roughly shook the light brown tabby, his bad temper growing as Pinepaw didn't even respond. Grumbling softly to himself, the pale ginger tom padded to the mouth of the den, where the soiled moss and the thorns that got tracked in were piled up, and he grabbed a large thorn, stalking back over to his still-sleeping brother. Taking a deep breath, he poked the tabby with the thorn at the base of his tail, and jumped back, knowing what was coming next.

       The reaction was almost instantaneous. Pinepaw shot to his paws, hissing in pain, fur spiked, looking wildly around the den. His deep green gaze fell on Aspenpaw and the thorn that was still in his mouth. The light brown tom strode over to his brother, shoving his muzzle into Aspenpaw's face. "What was that for, mouse-brain?!" He spat, eyes blazing with anger. 

       Aspenpaw dropped the thorn, keeping his gaze steady. "Shadecreek told me to wake you and Brackenpaw, seeing as he and your mentors are waiting outside for us, and you weren't responding to anything I did, so I poked you with a thorn." His voice was smooth and even, not showing any emotion other than his calm, soft-spoken nature. 

       "To be fair, Pinepaw, he wasn't very nice to me, either." Brackenpaw cut in, just as Pinepaw opened his mouth for a stinging retort. "He threatened to put burrs in my part of the nest if I swiped at him."    

       "Threatening isn't the same thing as doing." Pinepaw growled. "Poke me with anything to try and wake me up again, and I swear to StarClan you'll be nursing some tender spots for a moon." 

       Aspenpaw didn't respond, he only padded out of the den and into the clearing, where Shadecreek, Meadowbreeze, and Blizzardfall were waiting, each with a mouse in front of them. 

       Shadecreek nudged the mouse forward to Aspenpaw, who crouched down and began to eat. As he was eating, Brackenpaw and Pinepaw padded up to their mentors, and began to eat their mice as well, Pinepaw shooting looks at Aspenpaw that were like flint, sharp and dangerous.

       As the three apprentices ate, Meadowbreeze spoke, her pale amber eyes trained on the toms. "We're doing battle training today, hence why we let you sleep in a little, as you need your energy for today. We'll be going over some basic defensive moves and a few offensive tactics as well."

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