Chat Noir is Adrien

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The green sparkles covered each of Adrien's limbs, replacing the expensive Gabriel Fashion outfit with the leather costume provided by the miraculous. In the process, the boy closed his eyes, afraid to look at Marinette's face. Would he see betrayal? Hurt? Happiness?

Yet, he was determined to see his decision through.

When he felt the transformation finish, he opened his eyes. His gaze focused on his raised fist. It was time to be a superhero.

"Okay," Chat Noir said, leaving behind the nervous tone from earlier for a firm one. "Now I can get us outta here. So, Marinette, I'm gonna need you to—"

But his words were left hanging when he finally looked at the girl of his... dreams? Because her face looked more like from a nightmare.

Marinette's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her skull. Her nostrils were flaring. Her jaw could almost reach her chest. And a trembling finger was pointing at him.


"Gah—" was all she managed to say.

Right before falling over backwards.

Chat Noir cringed, too shocked to have run to catch her. Not that Marinette wasn't used to getting hurt over her clumsiness, but still. Ever the gentleman, he felt responsible for letting her fall over.

"Great, and now you've killed her," he whispered to himself. "Way to go, Adrien."

As soon as he finished lamenting himself, he slid to his knees next to her. Strangely enough, she didn't exactly faint, like he thought. Her eyes and mouth were still open, but unfocused. Did he break her?

"Marinette?" he tried again.

A very faint, whining sound escaped her. Like a deflating balloon. I have officially made her insane.

"Are you alive?"

"I-I-I-I..." She trailed off.

"Do you need me to carry you?"

"Still...conscious," she breathed, eyes staring off.

Chat Noir tapped his chin for a moment, and then proceeded to smirk.

"If you stay limp, I'm gonna have to carry you over my shoulder again."

Marinette's eyes focused at last, right at his cat-like ones. Chat Noir's smoulder softened into the smiles he reserved only for her. At least now he knew it was only shock.

"We have to go now, before anyone realizes you're stuck with Chat Noir instead of Adrien."

Chat Noir extended his hand towards her. For a moment she remained frozen, and he worried that she would stay so. Right before he decided to put his palm away, she grabbed it with a shaky hand. Chat Noir proceeded to quickly pull her to her feet, in case she changed her mind.

As soon as she tried to walk, her knees wobbled, prompting the boy to place one of her arms around his neck. She didn't seem to actually need it, but one could never be too careful. Once in front of the bars of the cage, he called on his power to disintegrate it. Once the bars were destroyed, Chat Noir lifted Marinette to carry her bridal style.

"Hold on tight," he said. Marinette stared at him with wide eyes and tightened her grip on his neck. With the suit on now, the boy was able make a powerful jump from the cage to the rooftop. He ran several blocks, hoping to get as far as possible from the crime scene. Just in case.

At last, he jumped down to another alley. One that didn't have a metal trap stuck above them.

"Okay, I think you're safe here," he said, as he placed her down on her feet. He ran to the edge of the alley, looking into the street. "Just promise me you won't go looking for trouble."

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