Chapter 1

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Louis POV

"I swear I have loved you since we first met

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"I swear I have loved you since we first met.
The shine in your eyes will never grow old.
Deceiving my parents I don't regret.
For in love we'll be till we both go cold.
Rosaline? Why I've forgotten the name.
My foolish ways are done, To you I'm true
Our love ignites like a fiery flame,
Engulfed in darkness, until I see you..."

I watched as the pair hold hands, looking down at their scripts as the guy read his lines. The girl moves her lips to her lines as the guy continues to read on. I had my arms crossed over my chest, laying my chin over the palm of my hand while concentrating on their acting.

"Our parents quarrel does not stand a chance,
As long as you and I are together.
The strength of our everlasting romance,
is more powerful than that of weather.
Here in Verona, I've asked for your hand,
And now our future starts, free and unplanned.."

"Okay, cut for a second please!" I shouted, stopping the two from continuing on with the scene.

"Your accent is spot on, don't change that. But I want you to show more affection towards her, show her the love that you'd think Romeo expresses to Juliet. Remember that they are two young lovers in love but forbidden. You have to make it seem real"

"And how exactly can we better ourselves,
Mr. Tomlinson?"

I stood up from my seat, walking over to the stage before standing in between the two. I grabbed their scripts from their hands, holding them before placing both their hands together as they held them.

"Now look into each other's eyes. Imagine you two being put into their situation. You love each other so much, you just can't avoid it. Repeat your lines one more time, without looking away from each other. GO!"

I take a few steps back, crossing my arms as I watched the two re-enact the scene again. Other students watch from behind the two while some were studying their scripts. So far, this play has been the hardest one to do every year because most people aren't use to working with Shakespeare's work. This is a challenge for them, as it is for me with a different class every year.

"And cut! Now, you see? Wasn't that played out better?"

"Yes sir, it was" said the girl, she blushing at me as cheekily smirks.

"I'm glad. Alright, class is dismissed. Don't forget memorize your lines for Act three as well!"

Everyone stood up, grabbing their things before heading out the door. I sighed exhaustedly, knowing that it was the last class for today but yet my day still isn't over.
I heard a few of my female students walk past me from behind, giggling as they were looking down at one girl's phone.

"Isn't he sexy? Just look at those tattoos!"

"I know, he has such pretty hazel eyes!"

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