about moi

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hello, as you can tell, this is my weight loss diary. i have tried to document weight loss in hopes it would help and sadly, it did not. because this is a public documentation, hopefully it will help me keep more motivated. i am going to try my best to write everything i eat, even if i am disgusted by it.

here are my stats:

cw: 5-56 ( was 55.5 this morning but today i ate like shit so it's probably going to be higher -_-)

gw: 45kg (for now, if i ever get to that weight, i might go lower idk)

height: about 5'5

okay so basically i've been trying (obviously not hard enough) to lose weight but i only resdtrict for a day then overeat because im a failure.

every chapter will be (nearly) a different day so my weight will be at the beginning with the date. I will write down anything tbh, I have free rein :)
I'm probably just going to be complaining about how hungry I am and how I'm too weak for weight loss and am going to give in like the little bitch I was today and have been for 2 years :)

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