Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Vses's eyes wandered around the entrance of the building. There was a receptionist desk in the middle of the room, taking up a majority of the space. It was a white desk, the peak of a computer was barely seen from where Vses stood. There wasn't a sign on the desk that mentioned who was supposed to be sitting there. The building had hours on the door and based on those hours the building shouldn't be shut down like it currently is. There technically should be people roaming about. The fact that there isn't wasn't necessarily concerning for Vses.

The cameras were.

Vses could see the faint red glow that was being emitted from the camera in the far corner. It wasn't the newest model of security that humans have managed to develop but it wasn't the worst. Vses knew that if they had chosen to upgrade the cameras, that he might not have noticed the cameras at all. Vses had also sent out a scanning orb earlier and the cameras had popped on the radar like lightning. Vses knew the cameras were there, but he had forgotten. A potential side-effect of the coffee? Vses would avoid the beverage until he was certain of its true side-effects.

Vses continued into the building, ignoring the fact that he knew the cameras were watching. Vses knew that if he was being watched, that they had already seen him and that it was too late to hide. He had come here for a reason and the fact that he was being watched made him even more sure that this place was up to no good.

Vses saw many doorways but he knew that if he tried to open any of the doors that the room would most definitely be fastened shut. Vses wasn't sure if the doors would lead to a medical examination room or if it was just a hoax, which Vses suspected it would be. This entire place was a hoax. If Vses asked the locals, he was sure most would deny even knowing of this place. If anyone did, they'd probably only have seen the building, not even going in or knowing anyone who has.

Vses had only been on Earth for three days, and he already knew that no one has ever entered this building seeking medical advice. It infuriated Vses that not a single human had noticed this but he also noted that some humans tested lower in brain IQ.

Vses walked further and further into the building to the point that he had to start following the rough map created by his scanning sphere instead of just wandering the building. Vses had taken precautions on which hallways he took as some looped and others crossed into others. Vses just attempted to avoid going down hallways, if he could avoid it, and running into cameras. The less he was seen the better but he knew being caught on some cameras was inevitable. It was inevitable since the moment he entered the building since he had forgotten completely about the camera that had been smartly placed at the entrance of the building, right when you entered.

Vses finally found the thing he was looking for. The entrance to the lower level. It had been well hidden towards the back of the rather large building. Vses would have passed it if the scanning sphere hadn't done its scan and informed him of its location. Vses couldn't imagine what the humans would do with a device such as the scanning sphere.

A scanning sphere was used by almost everyone on the planet had to access to one. Although it was mainly used by Vses's government, it wasn't uncommon to see someone using it in their homes. The scanning sphere had many uses, from scanning entire locations to finding specific items. Finding items understandably taking longer because the scan time took longer and took in so many more details then an entire building quick scan like Vses had done to this building.

Vses pushed the small cart that was partially hiding the entrance behind it out of the way. The small crouch pathway was revealed and Vses took a deep breath before entering.

The passage was similar to a vent, having metal walls. It was nicer though, having lights to light the way instead of it being pitch black. Vses continued to crawl through the lowly lit space towards where he knew a laboratory would be.

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