Why ZodiAcs are DaNgErOuS

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♈Aries:slinding rage and cannot listen to any reason while in anger.

♉Taurus:easily angered and wilk not change their mind.

♊Gemini:can talk their way out of any situation.

♋Cancer:incredibly defensive and can guilt anyone.

♌Leo:have a superiority complex and will destroy anyone who hurts their ego.

♍Virgo:will not let anyone come between them and what they want to achieved(thats 1,000,000,000,000,000%true but i put the zeros without even counting,LOL)

♎Libra:shallow,can easily turn off their emotions.

♏Scorpio:enormous capacity for anger and violence,their actions are fueled by their endless emotions.

♐Sagittarius:will do anything just for the sake of rebelling.

♑Capricorn:will do whatever it takes to get to the top.

♒Aquarius:impossible to read.

♓Pisces:plays wolf in sheep's clothing,is underestimated.

//Question Time🕛//
Why are you dangerous?

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