Habits OF Zodiacs

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♈Aries:talking so loud

♉Taurus:not hearing someone else's opinion when they think they are right

♊Gemini:not giving another person a chance to speak


♌Leo:pretending to be okay with something even if they are unhappy with it

♍Virgo:over analyzing everything

♎Libra:taking a really long time to make any decision.

♏Scorpio:not trusting anyone until they have proven their worth i

♐Sagittarius:telling it as it is

♑Capricorn:being so sarcastic that people even don't know if they are joking or not

♒Aquarius:zoning out in the middle of conversations and not remembering anything

♓Pisces:falling asleep everywhere(like suga does it)

//Question Time🕛//
What are your habits that you don't like?

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