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♈Aries:hides in closet and screams demonically at night

♉Taurus:doesn't really do much,usually found inanimate objects

♊Gemini:knocks shit over,scrapes nails against the wall,smashes glass

♋Cancer:comforts children,protect loved ones,guardian angel

♌Leo:terrorizes crowds but has a soft spot for children

♍Virgo:rearranges everything,often haunt the same place

♎Libra:shows up in mirrors,leaves clues on where to find them

♏Scorpio:seeks revenge,haunts the people that did them wrong

♐Sagittarius:sets shit on fire

♑Capricorn:summons Lucifer's in people's houses

♒Aquarius:possess people

♓Pisces:little ghost girl that plays with other kids,can be good or bad

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