Chapter 1

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I breathe in, then out. I do that 50 thousand more times feeling my anxiety kicking in. Just then, I feel someone grab my shoulders.

"It's ok, Hayden, there are other suits if this one doesn't suit you," Asa, my sister, said with a goofy grin plastered across her face. I turn and slap her arm for saying that ridiculous pun. She took it and without missing a step she said, "Well, this one obviously doesn't work since you're not crying so let's find another one." 

She turns and leaves the circle room of mirrors as I walk back to the dressing room to get unchanged. It's hard to think my little sister is not going to be in high school soon. I blink and 5 years go by without pausing for effect. 

Before I could get more lost in my thoughts, Asa knocks and hands me another suit through the gap above the door. 

"I know it's different than the other ones but I thought you needed to smile."

I take a good look at the suit. It's a traditional black but when viewed at different angles produces different colors of a floral pattern. I roll my eyes and open the door to throw it back to her.

"There's no way in hell I'm wearing that to my wedding."

She laughs, "Whaaat? This was a real winner for me. I'm sure David would agree with me."

I stick out my tongue.

"Ok ok ok," she says, "you weird man-child. Try this one." She holds out a purple suit, not super vibrant, more black with a purple undertone. I give her a look. "Just put it on, I have a feeling about this one," she says with a small wink. I sigh before closing the door and proceed to put on the ridiculous suit.

I exit the dressing room to go back to the circle room of mirrors. As I'm walking I see my sisters, all three of them, sitting wide-eyed staring at me. They start whispering and I just chuckle as I think how old and mature they are, helping me pick out probably the most important outfit of my life. I step up onto the pedestal to see myself in the several mirrors surrounding me. 

And I just stop. I'm staring at myself and for the first time in my life, I don't see the broken mess that I've learned to see over the 23 years I've been alive.  For the first time, I see a man, a man who, yes, has had experiences that have made him broken, but have not broken him, but instead have made him stronger. I see me, as me, not as my epilepsy or my anxiety or my emotional mess. 

I start tearing up and try as I might, I cannot stop them from falling from my eyes. 

"I'll go ring it up," Asa says before walking to the check-out stand. I chuckle and smile as I know the next chapter in my life is starting. 

The Next Chapter in Our Lives (Sequel to "The Seizures That Overcome My Life")Where stories live. Discover now