Chapter 2

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"We're home!" I called out to the almost empty house.

"Aaaand we found the perfect suit for your fianceeeeeeeee!" Asa said with a little flair and dance. I smiled while rolling my eyes at my silly, almost teenage, sister.

I see David appear from the corner where the kitchen is located. His hair was messy and he had a dirty apron on and oh my gosh he was so cute. "Oh good, I wouldn't want my future husband to be less-than-perfect on our wedding day." He gave me a good kiss. I heard a variety of groans and 'yuks' from my sisters. I broke away laughing. He leaned in and whispered, "They are going to hate the wedding. Anyways," he said speaking at a normal level now, "I need a taste-tester." 

He pulled my arm and led me to the kitchen. The sensors turned on the gradual lights we had installed to avoid sudden light changes that trigger my epilepsy.  David, with his charming smile, handed a spoon full of sauce to me. I grabbed the spoon and ate the contents.

Coughing I muttered, "It's got a kick to it."

David smiled but quickly had a worried expression. "Is it too much? I can try reversing the spice with something... let me google it..."

"No, honey, it's fine. You're just giving me heartburn."

"From the sauce?" he asked as I neared his face.

"From something saucy..." then our lips touched.

A moment went by before Patty walked in, "Oh, get a room!" she said before sitting at the table with a book in her hand.

I turned to face her with a puzzled expression. "What did you just say?"

"Get a room," she replied without hesitation. I gasped then she added, "someone on TV said it when some people were kissing."

I sighed with relief. I've had to have 'The Talk' with Asa already, but I was not ready to have it with the 2 youngest, even if it is very overdue. I think Asa told Eve and Patty already because they haven't been asking about anything yet, but I'm not going to question it.

I smiled before looking at David, who had gone bug-eyed at the young girl's statement. I locked eyes with him before getting a rather funny feeling. He must have noticed because he quickly grabbed me by the shoulders to help me to the floor. 

All the sound went away and I lost control of my body. All I could see was David who just smiled as he cradled me while I had a Partial (Focal) Seizure.  It lasted only a couple minutes and when it was over David helped clean me up.

Partial Seizures are not the normal kind of seizures that the media has deemed 'seizure' when you think about the word 'seizure'. Those are Grand Mal, or big bad as I like to say. Partial Seizures are, kind of what the name says, partially a big bad seizure. I usually go limp and lose control of my body. My face usually twitches (attractive no?) and I usually can't hear very well. Most of the time I drool, just like this time, so David is helping me clean up my massive amounts of saliva and recover mentally.

"What's your name?"

"Hayden Wright."

"Ok, where do you live?"

"Here." David gives me a look. "America, do I need to give our full address?"

He rolled his eyes. "Who's the President?"

"Oh, you mean the asshole who's going to deport me?"

David stopped and looked at me with sad eyes. He knows that's a touchy subject.

You see, I never became a real citizen. My sisters did, but not me. My dad's idea. I've been living in America on a green card and on the fact that I'm my sisters' guardian. The problem is, once I marry David, he will also be their legal guardian and there's a good chance I could be deported back to England. We're hoping that it won't happen due to the fact that I'll be married to an American.

A gay American.
And that's assuming they let us get married.
And that's assuming we can even get our shit together to plan a wedding.

Okay, there's a lot working against me at the moment, but I have to try to move forward, for my sisters and especially for David.

The Next Chapter in Our Lives (Sequel to "The Seizures That Overcome My Life")Where stories live. Discover now