Chapter 3

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"Hayyyy-deeenn. Honeeyyy. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey." David was slightly shoving me to get me to wake up. I groaned before hesitantly opening my eyes. "Good morning sweetheart. Rise and shine, breakfast is being made right now and the girls are getting ready."

I placed my arm over my eyes. "Ready for what?"

"Wedding cake testing." I opened my eyes before giving him a huge grin. He laughed. "Get dressed so we can leave." David walked out of our bedroom and went back to the kitchen.

I got up and without much energy got dressed and brushed my hair. It was a lazy morning and I was up later than I normally am- about 9 am.

I was walking to the kitchen while yelling out to David, "So, Mr. Next Top Chef, what's for breakfast?" David replied but I didn't hear him.

I suddenly got very dizzy. My legs went weak and my vision and hearing blurred. The next thing I feel is my body hitting the ground and a faint "Hayden!" from one of the girls. I felt as though my lungs were being pressed down on by an elephant and being pumped full of water. I was lying there for a solid minute or so before the convulsions came.

Someone laid me on my side, which relieved my lungs a bit, while someone else placed a pillow under my head. While I didn't see or hear it I knew someone was keeping time with a phone in hand just in case. All 4 of them were practically experts in seizure safety.

I slowly started to hear bits and pieces. (AN: the '.......' are words he couldn't hear)

"That's 6 minutes............ call?" I think that was Eve, her voice is pretty recognizable.

"No.......... out of it." Mmmmmmm that was David. Wow, his voice is so smooth. It was after that I realized someone was holding me, not tightly to keep me from convulsing, but tight enough to keep me on my side.

It was ending. My eyes were focusing, although I couldn't really keep them open for very long. My hearing was returning. My body was limp, but I could feel more now. I could feel David run his fingers through my hair like he does every time.

I laid there for a while before finally opening my eyes and moving around.

"Hayden, rest for a bit longer," David insisted.


"Hayden, you're slurring your words, rest a bit then we'll get up and go on." He was so persistent. It was kind of annoying.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ David's POV

I grabbed Hayden's shoulders to gently keep him on the ground. He doesn't usually act like this after a seizure and I was getting a little worried.

"Hayden, please stay down. Let's get you some water and then we can go eat breakfast." I looked at Eve and she went to get a glass of water. I was trying everything to keep Hayden down. I knew he was still dizzy and if he stood up he risked falling down, or worse, having another seizure.

"Hayden please!" Suddenly I felt a strong sting on my cheek. I looked over. Hayden had slapped me. His eyes held no emotion. My eyes held sorrow and pity. I know he didn't mean to, but he still did it.

He was now standing and mumbling something but I couldn't tell. He turned around stumbled toward the kitchen. I wiped the tears I didn't realize I had and followed him.

He was rummaging through the cabinets and pulling out everything. "Hayden," I said cautiously, "what're you doing?" He grumbled but didn't say anything. "Hon, what..."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" He exclaimed abruptly. We were staring at each other. I looked at his eyes, the same ones I fell in love with so long ago, but this morning they were empty. Numb. Afraid.

Suddenly his eyes softened. They slowly returned to the real ones. Hayden's eyes were back.

"D...David?" He fell to the floor. I swooped down to him and held him. He began crying as my arms tightened around him.

I don't know how long we stayed like that but I do know that that morning we didn't taste wedding cakes, instead we went to the neurologist.

The Next Chapter in Our Lives (Sequel to "The Seizures That Overcome My Life")Where stories live. Discover now