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Ninjawarroir asks: why do you like tacos so much? And I bet you can't beat me in a pillow war!

Fluffle: gshs... (Taco... :P)

Twi: According to my research, Fluffle Puffs obsession for tacos is because blah blah math and science blah food groups blah-

Chrissy: Shut up.

Fluffle: pttttttttttttttt pt ptttttttttttttt ptpt ptttttttt jansh n znakabxbz vzhhdvsbdjsf shns. (I like tacos cuz I like tacos. IS THAT A PROBLEM? Like, it has just about every food group, like Twi said O3O)

Chrissy: You were listening to Twi? Wait, why are you in here now?

Twi: Why are you in here? It's only supposed to be Fluffle.

Chrissy: O.O

Fluffle: *ignores them* PILLOW WAR!!!!!

Chrissy: I bet you learned how to say that.

*fluffle hits everyone with pillows*

Fluffle: baba pttt jvgg... (No one beats the boss...

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