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daleketchup dares: I dare Fluffle and Chrissy to ignore Twilight and dump her with ice water!!!! C'mon.

Fluffle: pt (yay -3•)

Chrissy: *chuckles evilly* this will be fun...


Chrissy: Oh hello Twi, do you wanna do the ice bucket challenge?

Twi: Um, I already did. I... Don't really think I wanna do it again.

Fluffle: pt (please?)

Twi: no...

Flufflez: *runs away*

Twi: *shruggs*

Fluffle: *comes back with tractor of ice water and pours it on twi*


Twi: *in a blanket with red nose and very bad cold* you two could have least put warm water with ice in it. That's how your supposed to do it.

Chrissy: But that would ruin the fun!!!

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