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daleketchup says: Hey Fluffle I have made Electro Smash in my book faster that a speeding bullet and I want you to give Electro advice on how to win Fluttershys heart.

Fluffle: bbbvbbbvvvvvvv pt pt ptttttt. (A taco is the way to anyone's heart)

Chrissy: Shy likes animals.

Fluffle: 8<

Chrissy: .

Fluffle: 8<

Chrissy: .

Fluffle: 8<

Chrissy: -.-

Fluffle: kajdhsbskdojsbsnsufjxJajdisjxjxjxisiaj(Even better, love da animals and be really nice)

Chrissy: •^•

Fluffle: sjshusosvsb. (And give her tacos)

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