Halloween Special

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Well well I decided to write a Halloween special!!!!!!! Also this ISN'T a part of the actual story.  You live with Shizuo in a actual house and yeah your married.  Also I do NOT own Pandora Hearts it's just a SERIOUSLY awesome manga (the anime isn't as good).

Reader's  POV:

I sighed as I looked around the highly decorated manga store.  Today is Halloween, my second favorite holiday!  "I am so happy that Shizuo said I could put the Halloween decorations up!!" I thought while picking up the newest copy of Pandora Hearts and read the first few pages.  I smiled when I saw a touching scene and I decided to buy the book, I payed for it and quickly walked out, tightening the red scarf around my neck.  ((Kagerou Daze reference!!)) 

I smirked and thought of where to go next, "I wanna scare Izaya this year, last year was a fail, but this year I'll get him good!!"  I clamped my fist into my other flat hand and begun to walk towards a special roof near Shinjuku~!!


I had hidden my manga above the door, along with a few "decorations" like a bucket of blood and a very realistic severed head, that happened to look like Celty's.  ((Yes you know about Izaya's "little" secret, but won't tell Celty just yet~))  My smirk grew as I easily jumped over the fence and stood on the edge of the building, immediately seeing the familiar jacket, and some blond hair chasing it.  "Iza-Iza-Chan!  Up here~!!"  I yelled down to the information broker, I could now hear the mumbling of the people under me, probably wondering if I'm going to kill myself.

I could practically hear Shizuo nearly choke on his spit when he saw me, I took my phone out and told him simply I'm going to get the flea.  Izaya, well, I knew a secret of his, he asked me out in High School so I know he still likes me, cause he says stupid stuff like I'm his favorite human.  I jumped, while shooting down I saw Shizuo's scared face and Izaya's horrified one, I laughed with a smile on my face.

"They actually don't know I'm pulling a simple Halloween trick!?"  I thought, you see I've been big about Halloween since I turned eight, scaring the older kids.  Once I got a few feet from the ground I used my awesome Parkour skills and flipped around, landed perfectly, and scampered into a alleyway.  Which was very easy thanks to my special shadows. ((Your kinda like a Dullahan Shadow wise, but you have a head and yeah so just shadows))  I smirked as I jumped into an empty trash bin and hid into there as I heard Izaya scamper past me, then Shizuo following.

I frowned and got out, "did that even faze Izaya!?"  I growled and went back to the top to find out they were waiting up there for me, I sighed, grabbed my books, and started back down the stairs with Shizuo following me.  Shizuo took my hand and smiled down at me, he's around two feet taller then me, and kissed my forehead quickly.  He liked to make sure people knew I was his or they would find out those Halloween "treats" can turn quite bitter.

I bet Izaya was frozen to that spot, I got to see his shocked expression, I snickered remembering it.  "Y/N, that was a great trick, but seriously, warn me before you do stuff like that.  I nearly had a heart attack!"  Shizuo said while ruffling my short brown hair, I sighed and he stopped, laughing.

I scoffed, "jerk.  Also did you see Izaya's shocked face!?"  I said, soon after breaking into a laughing fit, Shizuo followed.

"Y-Yeah I d-did, it was t-too f-fun-ny!"  He also said in between laughs, I quickly hugged him and smiled up at him, now it was my turn to do the trick to him~!!

I had everything set up, at least I'm pretty sure.  I screamed loudly jumping away from Shizuo, then holding my side, all after a gun going off sounded in the empty air.  Blood was rushing out of my side where a hole in my clothing was, Shizuo's eyes were wide with shock, but then turned almost red with anger.  I grabbed a hold of his clothing, dirtying his shirt with my blood stained hands.  I whimpered and leaned against the still confused and shocked Shizuo as my "blood" rushed out and onto his clothes.

I guess I also startled other people around us because one person called 911 and another screamed, I decided to change the script up a bit, I collasped, Shizuo caught me and began to run somewhere.  I was trying my hardest not to laugh, then we stopped and I slightly opened my eye, then I remembered that we were near Shinra's . . . "shit."  Shinra opened the door and ushered us inside.  "What the hell hapened Shizuo!?"

 I smirked and broke into laughter, making Shinra, Shizuo, and the shocked Celty.  Shizuo dropped me, Shinra had a slightly annoyed, but amused look.  Celty, well she was as usual.  "Y/N!!  What the hell I thought you were really hurt!"  Shizuo yelled as Celty tried to calm him down.

I got up, still giggling a bit, and kissed Shizuo on the lips for a second.  Then waving goodbye and running off towards our apartment, with my bags. 


I was currently curled up in Shizuo's lap, with my arms around his neck, trying not to scream.  We're watching Paranormal Activity Four, one of my favorites.  Shizuo every once and a while pulled me towards himself when something scary happened.  I would laugh and kiss his cheek to calm him down a bit.

Before I knew it the movie had ended, it was pitch black, and I was laying on Shizuo.  I kissed his soft lips and finally rested my head on his chest and fell asleep.


Hey everyone I hope you like this little story while your waiting for me to start up again with the actual story.  Anyways I wrote this quite late so it might seem a bit strange for my writing style.  Anyways I hope you all enjoyed!!

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