Chapter 2

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Jaywind smirked as he came towards them. He was the one cat Blackkit couldn't stand up to. "So...I heard, the small one is half-blind, correct?" He said, his voice low but cold. Blackkit didn't answer, instead he ignored him. He was going to go to the nursery but Jaywind blocked him. "Move" Blackkit muttered. "What did you say? I couldn't hear you" Jaywind said tipping his head to one side.

"I-I...I said move" he said a little loudly. "Speak up I cant hear you", "Then your deaf!" Blackkit spat. Cat started staring. Jaywinds smile broadened. "Never talk about my sister again!" Blackkit hissed. Blackkit pushed past him and Fernkit came padding after. His head was held high, daring a cat to say anything to him.

"That...was cool" Fernkit purred when they reached the nursery. Blackkit smiled at her as he sat down. A big rough tongue licked the top of Blackkits head and the sweet scent of his mother came washing over him. "Mom! I am clean! Don't wash me!" Blackkit squealed irritatedly.

"Then why are you always covered in dust?" She pointed out. "It's not my fault!" Blackkit pressed. "Where were you anyway?" She asked concerned. "The medicine cat den" Fernkit piped up, "why?" Leafwhisker tipped her head to one side. "We found out Fernkit is half-blind". That phrase made Leafwhisker silent for a moment. "Yes she is and...because of that...she can't-" "she will be a warrior" Blackkit interrupted.

Leafwhisker sighed. "So who did you meet today? Any friends?" She asked changing the subject. "No friends...we saw that mouse-brained flea-pelted fox smelling Jaywind and that bratty orange she-cat who always gossips!".

"So you met Duskleaf and...Jaywind?"

Blackkit and Fernkit nodded. "Do you want to continue playing?" Blackkit asked. Fernkit shook her head and yawned, "I wanna sleep". Frustrated, Blackkit got up and gazed around the nursery, Ferntail was asleep on the corner of the den her round swollen belly of kits were heavy on her side, not many moons until he had denmates!

Flamekit and Bluekit were fighting over a mossball. Their mother, Gleamfur, had died from giving birth and it was Leafwhisker who suckled them and took care of them. Blackkit padded towards them and they turned their heads to him. "Hi Blackkit, you want to play tag with us?" Flamekit asked. "Sure!".

The three of them were crouched at the edge of the clearing. "Ready, set, go!" Flamekit called. The three kits ran as fast as they could to win. Blackkit felt a surge of energy, he felt as if he could fly! He ran and ran and heard the two kits presence behind him.

Suddenly a twisted root tripped him and he yowled in surprise. He fell face first down the moor and rolled down.

Blackkit opened his eyes, he was in an unfamiliar territory, it smelled salty and damp. "Is he going to be okay?" Bluekits voice rang in his ears. "I...don't know" Flamekit mewed.

A paw prodded him and he groaned. Slowly he got up. He tasted the salty tang of blood in his mouth and there was blood were his head lay. He looked at Flamekit and bluekit, their eyes were huge and unblinking. "You are bleeding!" Bluekit squealed concernedly.

"I know" Blackkit croaked painfully. A fresh scent of salt and water washed over him. He turned his head to stare at three warriors. They were definitely in trouble.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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