1. bar fight

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"i'm just never leaving the apartment again." taeyong huffed, stomping through the door. his two roommates, johnny and yuta following him, johnny nursing his bruised hand.

"i'll get the first aid kid. after i'm done with you i'll work on yuta ." taeyong spoke, looking at johnny. the boy nodded, sitting at the kitchen counter while yuta dropped to the couch.

it was quiet for a moment before taeyong spoke up, "i'm sorry guys." he apologized, big, dark eyes looking down at the kit.

"this is not your fault taeyong and don't you ever blame yourself, alright? if anything we're sorry for leaving you alone." yuta sighed, looking at his best friend.

"yeah, tae, don't be stupid. i'm the one who broke the guys jaw." johnny added, normal teasing smile back on his lips.


taeyong leaned on the bar, playing with the straw in his fruity drink. he came with his friends but they all have boyfriends and taeyong made the great choice of leaving them behind to sulk.

with his low cut, thin shirt and skinny jeans with rips, he was getting a lot of attention. most of it being unwanted. he tried so hard to look nice only to feel lonely and creeped out by old guys staring at him.

he sighed and decided he was gonna leave once he finishes his strawberry drink, he could just text yuta and johnny as he got a cab. although yuta said cabs were a perfect way to get kidnapped and would definitely scold him if he left by himself.

taeyong was mindlessly sipping when one of the many creeps he was trying to avoid approached him. after ignoring many rejections the guy just decided to feel him up anyways.

next thing he knew he was being pulled away by a smaller body and he watched as a fist struck the man's face. a sickening crack was heard and it made taeyong wince.

a collective gasp sounded  as taeyong stood in shock. he know recognized his savior as johnny. before he could do anything, yuta jumped on top of the stranger to land some more punches.

  sicheng struggled to hold back yuta while taeyong screamed for someone to help because there's no way sicheng is strong enough to hold back the older boy. some men from the bar started to pull yuta and johnny back.

"hyung, calm down, are you ok?" ten softly asked in taeyong's ear, still hugging him for comfort.

~end of flashback~

"you could just find a date, that should help with all the unwanted flirting." yuta shrugged. taeyong sighed dramatically, "if it was that easy i would have had a boyfriend a long time ago."

"i don't know why you can't find a man. you're super hot. if anything we should just find you a bodyguard. johnny, you have any gym friends?"

taeyong snickered but his face fell when he realized yuta was completely serious, "you have to be kidding? a bodyguard?"

"considering how many creeps wont leave you alone, i wouldn't say it's a bad idea." johnny spoke up, nodding along with a thoughtful expression.

"you're supposed to tell yuta how stupid his plans are." taeyong grumbled, trying to look mad but looked more like a frustrated puppy.

"aww, even when you're mean you're cute." yuta cooed, engulfing him in a back hug. taeyong groaned but didn't push off the other.

"ok so no bodyguard? how about a fake boyfriend? that way you won't be lonely and you'll have someone to scare away creeps." yuta explained, turning around taeyong and holding onto his slim hips as he spoke.

"i know someone." johnny spoke up, wide, excited eyes looking at yuta. since when does johnny go alone with these dumb plans?

"his name is jung jaehyun he's younger than you but he's definitely a top." johnny casually spoke. taeyong spluttered, slapping yuta on the chest since he was the closest person.

"why did you hit me? that idiot said it!" yuta yelled, pouting at his friend, "anyways, you're the only bottom in the 95 line. embrace it yongie!"

"i wouldn't make fun of the person who makes all of your food." taeyong grumbled, pink lips in a pout, "im going to wash off my makeup."

"so that's a yes on the fake boyfriend. i'll call jaehyun." johnny smiled. yuta grinned back, highfiving the other.


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