3. shy

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taeyong looked at himself in the mirror, admiring the light makeup he had just applied. his eyes were dusted with a pale pink and clear, sparkly lip gloss made his mouth shine.

his outfit was simple but he liked it: a silk, white shirt hung off his shoulders, showing his smooth neck and collarbones. the long sleeves almost came over his fingers but that made him feel cute. his light blue jeans went will with the pale top.


"jaehyun said he's already here! ten is on his way, i think he's bringing sicheng?" johnny spoke, turning to look at yuta. the japanese boy nodded, smiling at just the thought of his cute date. 

"i don't like when our boyfriends become friends, i feel like they're gonna turn against us." johnny laughed, wrapping an arm around yuta's shoulders. "i know! and i'm sure ten is going to corrupt sicheng."

"hey!" johnny protested, shutting his mouth when both of his friends have him a knowing look. "yeah you're probably right." he admitted, knowing his smaller boyfriend has no filter.

taeyong looked around the club, he had never been to this one before. it was very dark and the the bass music made everything feel like it was vibrating.

pretty colored light slowly traveled around the floor, illuminating the bodies dancing, rolling their hips and swaying from side to side. he recognized the song playing, it was one of his favorites: bad guy by billie eillish.

yuta wrapped an arm around taeyong's small waist and leaned close to talk in his ear, "there's your date, tae." yuta mumbled, nodding his head in jaehyun's direction. taeyong's dark eyes moved to settle on a round table in the corner.

his eyes widened when he saw his 'date.' excitement fluttered in his tummy, maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. if jaehyun's personality matched his perfect visuals anyways.

the younger boy tilted back a glass to take a sip and taeyong gulped as he watched him, should drinking be this provocative?

he was broken away by yuta's teasing laugh, "close your mouth before you catch flies, yongie~"

he flushed at that, trying to defend himself but yuta just teased him even more. taeyong suddenly realized the gravity of the situation when johnny called jaehyun's name to wave at him.

taeyong panicked when he made eye contact, feeling his face burn once again. he looked at his dress shoes in shame, wiggling his toes to distract himself.

yuta roughly grabbed him, dragging him to the table, ignoring how he tripped over his own feet. he becomes hyper aware of his surroundings, he rather die than fall down in front of jaehyun.

taeyong starts to think of ways to escape once he embarrasses himself because he knows it's going to happen. he's already blushed so many times and they haven't even talked yet.

before he knows it yuta is harshly pulling him down in the seat, softly grunting as he hit the cushion. "hi jaehyun, i'm yuta, you can call me hyung. this is taeyong, isn't he beautiful?" yuta cooed.

at that moment taeyong couldn't decide who he wanted to kill more, yuta or himself. or maybe johnny since he started all this. doesn't he know taeyong freaks out around gorgeous boys with perfect hair?

"he is beautiful. nice to meet you taeyong hyung, i'm jaehyun." his date smiled, deep dimples appearing on his perfect face.

"hi jaehyun." taeyong croaked, wincing at his uneven voice. johnny tried not to laugh as yuta giggled, pinching his cheeks and calling him cute. 


*jaehyun's pov*

jaehyun's head snapped up as he heard a faint voice call his name. he smiled when he saw johnny but felt his jaw go slack when he saw the boy with him.

another guy had an arm around his waist which annoyed jaehyun a little. he  looked serious and a little cold but he had big puppy eyes that made jaehyun melt.

he tried to check him out discreetly, noticing how the silky top hung off his shoulders and tight jeans showed off slim legs.

he couldn't help but smile as the boy shyly looked down, the bright lights illuminated his face, showing his cute blush. his dark hair had little bits of silver that for some reason jaehyun found adorable.

he was brought out of his trance when the taller boy started dragging him towards his table. he couldn't help but coo as he stumbled, almost tripping while looking at the ground.

attention//jaeyong Where stories live. Discover now