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August 15, 2019

1:38 pm

You're probably wondering what this book is about... Well I am too. Let's just say its a personal (not really private) diary that I write in whenever I'm feeling emotional or sad or I just need to update myself in my life. If i spell anything wrong it's okay, because this isn't a book or a short story. It's me. it's all about me. That may sound very self-centered, but when you get to know me more you'll realize how far from self-centered I am and how much more self-centered that you want me to be.

My name is Shay. Well my nickname is Shay. I am a very nice yet insecure yet weird person that just wants her life to be perfect for once. I'm 19 years old. I just got my license and I'm living with my parents. I plan on moving out for my birthday in January which is 6 months away, but I just quit my job and I don't have another yet. So my plans of moving out is very far out of mind. I am in college and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. I want to be a simple nurse, but all the shows and Grey's Anatomy that I watch is pulling me towards being a doctor. The issue is I got into a bad relationship that ended in the worst way. And lets just say I'm not the best A+ student anymore. I gave up on school for some reason and this semester I really need to bring my A game if i'm ever going to become the person I need to be.

In a Grey's Anatomy point of view, I want to be Christina, but unfortunately I'm a mixture of Meredith and Izzy in there intern years of course. I'd even want to be Alex too, but if I so much as tried to be Alex I'd fall straight on my ass like George did. (I didn't spoil it, I just gave a bit of foreshadowing) All in all I do what to be a doctor, but i'm not sure I can ever make it there. I believe that I am just not that good enough.

As far as posting it will be very spontaneous and it could be four times a day or maybe a week later. Depending on if I can remember to type all of my problems and issues down in my virtual not so private diary. You can comment. You can not comment. I don't really care. I don't really care about anything and that may as well be my problem.

Sincerely, far from self-centered

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