Life plans

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August 16, 2019
1:47 am

Don't ask why I'm up, because just don't ask. I don't really sleep much anymore. But I should start. I'm planning on getting my life on a track that it was never own. My train was so far from the tracks that it was considered a car. For years my New Years resolution was to being a organized and clean person. And I am far from that. I try to be the cleanest I can be but it's just not in my nature. So I'm going to force it in my nature.

-Tonight I'm going to wash and fold all of my clothes.
- Clean my room to one of those shiny cartoon type cleans
- make a plan
- study for my life's work
- try to gain confidence
And lastly
- become a happier better person

You still don't know anything about me. But I'm sure from what you've gathered I can be a person that gives up easily. Knowing me I will give up on all of this. I will stop halfway. I'll try to take a nap in between and wake up at 1 pm. I do this every time. And I need to stop. I need to stop and I'm going to stop. I need to be motivated and happy and clean. I need to be Burk my pretend role model from Grey's Anatomy. And I'm sorry for making so many Grey's Anatomy references it's just the show I'm watching rn.

I will get my life together. That's what I've always wanted to be the person I've always dreamed of and I'm going to be that person. And I will try as hard as I can. But warning don't get used to this me. I'm not always here. I come and go. One day I'm happy. One day I'm complaining about my parents and when I need to move out.

But I did the research on how much money I need to become the person I want to be and well 400,000 is going to be a lot of saving to do. But guest what I'm going to do if and giving up is not a option. Ok!! And if you're reading this and you're trying to figure your life out don't choose me as your role model because I'm probably beneath you. And it will take me a few months to get all of my hopes and dreams consistent. I will give up over and over again. But I'm making a vow to myself and to whoever is reading this to never never never give up. So help me god if you let me give up I will never forgive any of you.

I will update you hopefully every step of the way. (Watch me give up as soon as I'm done typing this.)

-Sincerely, positive thinking

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