No Where to Begin With

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August 15, 2019


I know I should tell you more about myself in this post, but i'm so frustrated I can't focus on myself. Today I tried to become a doctor. Not literally but I downloaded a bunch of books from a med-school list and I tried to study. But I was being held back from that obligation that I wanted to put on myself. One thing I didn't tell anyone about myself is that my mom had a baby a couple months. A day after my birthday actually. I love my sister, but she's not my daughter.

A babysit her day in and day out. It's like a unpaid job that stresses me out of every second. She 6 months and all she wants me to do is hold her. I know I shouldn't use that as my excuse, but it's true she takes up all of my time. My stepdad takes my car and does whatever with it while I stay home and watch their child. When my 10 year old brother got home from school I thought that I would get a break to at least take a shower, but no he holds her for 5 mins and gives her back and goes to sleep. You're probably wondering what didn't you take a shower you filthy person, but you don't know that I get woken up out of my sleep to get her. I'm so frustrated and I should have known from the beginning that I will never be anything because I allow every think to distract me and get in my way of success.

-Sincerely, never getting anywhere

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