Part 1. What does beautiful mean?

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You know, when you just feel like you're not pretty enough. You are not talented enough. You are not BEAUTIFUL enough.

The first thing, that I want to say is, that you are beautiful, you are talented, you are unique, you are enough.

Social media has destroyed us, and that's a fact. When you see that girl on instagram, who is pretty, has a perfect body, beautiful home and a boyfriend, that isn't the reality. There's two sides of every single person. Many of those beauty gurus on insta, use photoshop. That's just wrong. They are some kind of a role models to young girls, who look up to them. Think about that, if you would be a social media star, and use photoshop to fix your insecurities, would you feel good, when people feel bad about themselves, because of you? I wouldn't. You wouldn't either, I know it. I really appreciate, that this problem has been brought up.

Personality is everything. If you are pretty from the outside, but treat other people like shit, you aren't beautiful.

Stop trying to be pretty for other people. What do you get from it? In the end, nothing. If you want to do your make up, put on some nice clothes, do it for yourself. Do not do it for a boy, or "friends", who don't care about you the way you are.
Maybe you still feel like you are ugly and worthless, and it's normal, been there done that. You will find that selflove with time, I did too. One day you are going to realise the worth of yourself. Then you become even more beautiful. Then you are going to shine like a diamond. Nothing will ever stop you then.

Remember, do not let anybody turn you down for your looks or anything from the outside. Show them.

If you don't fit in to the "mold" it's totally okay. You are unique. Unique is beautiful.

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