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Alec's POV
J: You didnt tell you had a boyfriend!
C: I didnt tell you because it's none of your business
J: Come on Clarissa. I want to be apart of your life...Again
A: what do you mean by again?
C: you haven't been apart of my life for awhile
J: i want to try though
C: Fuck you do! You havent apart life for awhile
C: you left me when i was 14 and you come back two years later unannounced! Im suprised dad gave you a second cause i sure would have not and then she runs upstairs
A: Clary wait!
I run upstairs and into the first door I see and she was sitting on a bed
C: im sorry for bringing you here
A: its fine...may i ask what happend between you two
C: you sure you want to hear about my tragic childhood
A: yes i said patting her shoulder
C: ok was 14 or so and my mom,Joycelyn and my dad,Valentine just celebrated my brother's 12th birthday
A: have a brother. How old is he
C: smiles
C: Yes and he is 14
A: ok carry on
C: The next day my dad had a business trip he had to go to and well the next day he found out it was canceled so he also works as a electrician and he had to go to work and me and Johnthan had to go to school but when we got home my mom's stuff was on the front porch and we could hear yelling. But walked in anyway and there was my mom naked and a fucking 16 yr old by her naked to and my dad was yelling at her. I ran up to my room and Johnthan ran behind me. We some how ended falling asleep and when we woke up the next day all traces of my mom were gone. And then she just came back like 3 weeks ago
A: im so sorry
C: its didnt know
A: ok..well im not going to let you stay in a bad mood all day
C: ugh
A: come on we are going to the movies
C: in
A: yes!
C: Maybe fake dating wont be so bad
A: your not to bad yourself Fray
And with that we get up and walk to her car and drive to the movies.

To be continued
                     Until Next Time
              Lots of love,
Michelea Daun Green

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