Damn! Movies!

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Alec's POV
Me and Clary were driving to the movies and when we got there
A: i guess you like romance
C: god no
A: really?
C: yea! I perfer horror or action
She thens points to a movie called Crawl
A: cool
C: wanna watch it
A: sure
In the movies
C: this is so cool
A: i agree
A: sets his hand down and doesn't realize he is touching Clary's hand
A: oh..sorry
C: it's fine. We are "dating" after all
A: laughs
After the movies. We get in her car
A: home...i guess
C: no way in hell
A: where do we go then
C: concert?
A: ok. Who
C: uh...Likin park
A: oh yes..i love them
C: me too
They stare into each other eyes for a long time and then look away embarrassed.
C: get in
A: well ok then
C: laughs
When they get there. They pay and walk inside and the concert was already going
After the concert
A: i wanna drive
C: uh..ok
I drop Clary off and say
A: I'll drop it off at school tomorrow ok!
C: whatever!
And with that she starts to walk inside but i stop her by grabbing her hand
A: i wanna try this
C: wh..what
She was cut short by my lips on hers

  A Clalec kiss and the first one of many

What do you think?

To be countied

Until next time

                        Lots of Love,
     Michelea Daun Green


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