CH 1: A Sisterly Tale Pt.1

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NA: Pura Quaesitor- means pure seeker in Latin.

The land Remnant. A place filled with many things on its lands; ranging from exotic landscapes, small islands, wildlife, but most importantly, its four kingdoms. Mistral, Vacuo, Atlas, and of course Vale. Why are they important you might be wondering? Well, these Four kingdoms are meant to represent a place of safety, security, and opportunity, for people and Faunus alike. At least, that's what it's supposed to be, but that's a story for another time.

Like all kingdoms, who stand united in a time of great peace. All thanks to the brave warrior's known as Huntsmen and Huntresses. Who risks their lives every day to defend it's Kingdom's borders. As well as the neighboring villages nearby, against people like thieves, raiders, terrorists, and even outlawed mercenaries. But most of all, The Huntsman must also defend its borders against the biggest constant threat of them all. The black and white red-eyed creatures, known by many, as the Grimm. Whose only known purpose is to cause destruction, misery, and an endless amount of chaos. There's never a dull moment in a place like Remnant. How sad.

Not even a small little Forest island known as Patch, in the kingdom of Vale, is safe from the likes of them; which can be quite disheartening for some people, especially for someone like Trina Elise Rose. Now don't be mistaken, she enjoys fighting off strays of Grimm just like her sisters do. But she also enjoys the outdoors, just as much; with a book in hand, solitary wonderous views, and peace of mind. What more could she want?

The Caged Bird

"A free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips her wing in the Orange sun rays and dares to claim the sky."

" But a bird that stalks down her narrow cage can seldom see through her bars of rage, her wings are clipped and her feet are tied so she opens her throat to sing "

"The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and her tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom "

"The free bird thinks of another breeze and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn and she names the sky her own."

"But a caged bird stands on a grave of dreams her shadow shouts on a nightmare scream, her wings are clipped and her feet are tied so she opens her throat to -"

" Hey Bookworm, you still 'Yanging' in there?" Yang Xiao-Long, her older half-sister shouted sarcastically. After she knocked on the door outside of Trina and Ruby's room. Which was on the second floor of the two-storey wooden cabin. Where Trina herself was currently laying down on her twin size bed reading one of her books.

" If I say no 'Hothead', and that I actually decided to 'drop dead'. Will you leave me alone? " Trina reply back with a sarcastic remark of her own. While also allowing a silent sigh to escape her lips. Not only did her older half-sister Yang, ruined her peacetime with her poem reading no less, but she also decided to add one of her bad puns into the mix, as well.

" If that's the case, Trina. Then I'll obviously have to break down the door with all my yang-like prowess. While frantically trying my best to bring you back into the land of the living. While also shouting, no little 'tree!' Why did you have to leave us so soon? You should've bloomed into a 'beautiful rose instead.' Yang said while she opened up the door, with her lilac color eyes now looking directly at Trina. With her wild blond hair, at full display, along with pale skin; wearing a tan jacket, with her orange scarf around her neck with a yellow crop top shirt underneath, wearing a black pair mini-shorts.

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