Chapter Six.

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It was around 8 in the afternoon when Changbin made his way to Woojin's café, which was close to closing.

Ever since he'd left Chan in the café, he walked around for a little while, then came back.

Woojin heard the bell ring as he was cleaning the counters. "Hello, can I help you?" He said before looking up. But once he looked up, he immediately came around the counter and embraced the younger. "Hey, it's okay. What happened?"

Changbin wrapped his arms securely around the older as he cried on his chest.

"I just....I don't know....why I'm even here anymore." Changbin said in between sobs as Woojin pulled away to look at his face to understand more of what he was saying.

He saw that the younger had red patches around his eyes from crying so much.

"Hey, I'm going to get you a coffee, and it's on the house, okay. So come over here and sit at the bar and it'll be ready in just a moment." Woojin assured the younger as he guided him to the chair, then made his way around to make Changbin some coffee.


"Do you feel any better?"

"A little, the coffee helped a lot actually."

"Told you, my dad's coffee is the best." Woojin smiled.

His attention stayed on Changbin slowly sipping down his coffee, until he saw someone trying to open the door but couldn't because they were already closed.

"I'll be right back." Woojin said as Changbin nodded.

Woojin then opened the door. "Yes?"

"Ugh, did I miss it? You're already closed aren't you?" The girl asked, it evident that she really wanted a coffee.

"Well I haven't completely shut down, come on in." Woojin then smiled as the girl slowly came in and sat a seat away from Changbin at the bar.

"So what would you like, Miss?" Woojin asked as he rounded the corner to make another coffee.

"A hazelnut iced coffee with caramel and vanilla, please." The girl smiled. "Oh, by the way, I'm Beomji...if you were wondering... and I really do apologize about being late, I just really needed a coffee. I gotta stay up somehow to do work." She smiled even more.

"No problem, Beomji. Nice name by the way."

"Ohh, thanks." she laughed. "Nice to meet you too...Woojin." Beomji said as she looked at his name tag. "And you are?" She asked, looking at Changbin.

"He's in a bit of a situation, so he's not feeling well." Woojin said as he slid her coffee to her. "On the house."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that."

"Then I guess you owe me." He said smiling.

"I'm done, so I'm gonna go Woojin. Thanks for everything, I'll text you when I make it home." Changbin said sliding his empty cup over and getting up.

"Oh, alright. And you better not forget." Woojin said before he walked out the door.

"Sorry about him, lots of things have been happening to him recently and he doesn't really like talking to anyone."

"Oh, that's okay. I've been in his shoes before."


"Yah! Seungmin!" Hyunjin yelled from his room.

"What!" Seungmin then yelled from his room.

"Come here loser!"



Seungmin groaned as he got off of his bed and continued to walk to the olders room.

"Yah, want do you want." Seungmin said as he ran into his room and jumped on his bed.

"You know, one're gonna break my bed, and then I'm going to yell at you and tell you to buy me a new one." Hyunjin said as he sat up.

"What? It won't break. I know it." Seungmin said with a smile as he sat up also.

Hyunjin scoffed as he put both of his hands on Seungmins face and stared right at him.

Seungmins eyes opened widely and his heart instantly sped up.

He hadn't yet told Hyunjin of his newly discovered feelings because he was scared of getting rejected. Plus, Hyunjin was very Seungmin felt he couldn't amount to anybody that Hyunjin probably wanted. Or could get.

"You should go get me some noodles from Changbins dorm." He said as he then took his hands off of Seungmins face.

"W-why? No way! I'm not stealing from Changbin. Do you know what would happen if he caught me?" Seungmin said half yelling.

"Yah, I didn't say steal. I said get. There's a difference." Hyunjin said as he raised his eyebrows.

"Ugh, why don't you just get your lazy self up and go get some."

"Because I'm trying to finish my show I started."

Seungmin groaned.

"Hey, for living with you for awhile, you seem to do that a lot. Is that your new way of communication?" Hyunjin asked.

"I guess so." Seungmin said as he walked black into his own room and plopped on his bed.


i'll try to write some more before college, which is in like a week and a half, wish me luck😬🤢🤣

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