Chapter Nine.

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Changbin couldn't believe he was actually doing it. He had went to the doctor and he said that Changbin was getting so much better. So, he was safe to travel.

He was getting slightly happier, especially having all of his friends here to help him. Even if they aren't with him all the time, he knows they care. And he loves them for that. He is so much more thankful than what he perceives on the outside. He was happy that he was finally getting away from the town that had caused him so much hurt over the past year. He hated it. It was the worse place he could be. It held memories that he wished he had never experienced over the past year...

...but, he loved it at the same time. He met all of his friends there and he would never forget them. No matter what.


Two weeks later and they were boarding a plane. The plane ride would take at least 13 hours. Let's just say, Changbin was not happy about that. He didn't want to be stuck on a plane for that long. Let alone a when Jisung would be sitting behind him, being the child he is. (he still loves him) But he was happy that he would be sitting beside of Woojin. They always talked about personal things that were helpful to each other.

"Well, here we go." Woojin said as he sat down beside of Changbin and looked at him.

"Yea, we better hurry because I'm having regrets. You guys know how I am about heights." Jisung said as he began to wrap his arms around Minho's arm.

"Then why did you sit at the window?" Seungmin who sat behind them asked.

"Because...the view is gonna be nice and I wouldn't wanna miss that." Jisung replied back.

"It's okay baby. You can hang onto me the whole way." Minho replied back as he looked lovingly at his boyfriend.

As soon as he had said that, Changbin and Woojin gagged.

"It's not my fault you don't have a significant other." Jisung snapped back. He was kinda agitated at Changbin and Woojin for acting like that. He knew they were messing around but he still got agitated at them.

Woojin then looked slightly back at Jisung and glared at him. "Jisung."

"What." He said even more agitated.

"You know how sensitive that subject is. And not for me either. I thought you'd be more considerate when answering things like that." Woojin snapped back.

Changbin just sat at the window and ignored him as they began to take off.

Jisung felt bad. He felt really bad. He thought he had perfected answering in front of Changbin. For one, so he wouldn't make Changbin feel like crap when it came to relationships. But...he did just that.

Jisung sighed. "I'm sorry, Bin." He said, hoping Changbin would say that it was okay.

But...he was ignored. Ignored by his best friend. He really hated that feeling. Being hated by the one person that he could talk to anything about. He knew they'd be fine once the plane landed. They had to be fine. Jisung couldn't leave Changbin feeling like that. Let alone himself.


Promise?//ChanglixOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant