Chapter 6

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Kirisshimas pov

I ran to catch up to Midoria. "Hey! Midoria, Wait up.!" He continues to walk but i catch up him. He hangs his head low so I can't see his face. "Hey Midoria, Uhh are you doing ok." He just stays silent. "You can talk to me you..." "JUST DROP IT, ok!" He shouted. "I'm.. im sorry." He said. He walks into a stall and I just wait outside. I wait a minute and then I hear something drip on the floor. I look down and see blood. Shit. I knock and the stall door. "Midoria what are you doing in there. Can you let me in." "N-no, you cant." "Midoria I have to come in if you're hurting yourself." "Just Uhh give me one second." He walked out and it looked like he hadn't cut at all. "Midoria I care about you. We're friends. And because I'm you're friend I feel obligated to make sure you're okay. So can you show me you're arms." He shakes his head 'no'. "Midoria please." I start to reach for his arm. He swats my hand away. "Please stop kirishima." "Midoria, can you at least give me what you used." He shock his head no. "Midoria, please." "No I can't. No" he runs out of the room and back to gym. I followed. Chasing after him. Making sure he didn't do anything he would regret. We made it back and joined the rest of the class. I'll just ask todoroki to ask him about it.

Todorokis pov

Gym was over and it was now time for lunch. Midoria went and sat alone. I went over to sit next to him but then kirishima taped my shoulder. "Yes" I said as I turned around. "Hey so in the bathroom Midoria was uh.. curing himself but he wouldn't let me see and he didn't give me what he used so uhh could you do me a favor and ask him." I was shocked I thought I took away all his razors. "O-ok." I walked over now with a more stern look on my face. I sat down across from Midoria. "Midoria, kirishima told me what happened. Can you show me you arm." He shock his head 'no' "that's not a question. That an order." He gave up and held out his arms. I rolled them up. "Midoria, I thought I grabbed all you're razors." "You did... at the time." He said. "Can I have the one you've been using?." He reaching in his pocket and grabs a razor that seems smaller than the one I took from him. "Now were did you get it." "You remember how I needed that screwdriver." "Yes?!" "We-well I-I used it t-to unscr-rew a pencil shar-rpener." He started to break down. I walk net to him and let him burry his face in my chest. I kissed is green fluffy hair. "I'm sorry sho, I had to get it out. And that was the only way." "Shh sh shsh. It's ok. I will help you. You will get over this I promise." "Thank you sho."

Word count: 527

I decided to add kirishima in here cuz he's a good character how makes a good friend and care dearly about all of  them. That's why I wanted to add him. Plus he's a good cart character.❤️

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