🌌chapter nineteen🌌

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Hanbin's POV:

-bi:"you ordered food?!"
I asked jiwon as we and rest of the boys were working on making it done,since jiwon decided to shoot a party tonight
-jw:"yeah I did its gonna be here soon"
-bi:"perfect, now everything is done"
I said after checking everything for the party, we took our seats on the coach, till I've heard jin shooting
-JH: "hanbin Dade and mom are here!!!"
-JH: "yup"
Said jin as I saw two of them making it inside
-jw:"hye mom and Dade "
He said hugging them tight
-bi:"so now your taking my parents?!!"
I said with a slight smile skipping my mouth
-"thank you son"
Said my mom as she went taking her seats
-jw:"what can I get for you?! "
-"ohhh nothing,can you and hanbin take your seats along?? He have a talek with both of you "
Said jiwon as he sat next to me,along with the boys
-"how are you doing now boys?"
-bi:"we're good"
-"are you getting along?!"
-bi:"yeah we are"
-"that's good"
-jw:"yeah it is"
-"jiwon and hanbin, can you do me one last favour?! "
-jw:"s-sure Dade anything "
~why do I feel its something fucked up~
I thought inside my head
-"I want descendants "
-bi:"here we go again "
I said, jiwon shooked expression writing on his face,June laughing his ass off as he felled of the chair,and the rest only looking at them
-bi:"I think its way too early for this Dade"
-"ohh no,since your doing great then why not?!"
-bi:"why don't you ask one who had sex last night with passion?! "
I said as I saw jin choked on his water
-"what?! "
-bi:"nothing, I said its still Early, plus didn't you said its for five months?! "
-"well if you wanna stay together we wouldn't mind"
-bi:"Dade can we just stop this conversation now?!like pretty please?"
-"yeah,you can think of it later okay?"
-jw:"yeah sure"
-"we'll be gone now"
Said my Dade as he and mom went out
-"have fun kids "
-jw:"we will"
-bi:"gosh I'm so sorry jiwon for what he said"
I said making my way towards
-jw:"no no its okay don't worry"
-bi:"aish honestly "
-JH: "we you could give them some you see..."
-bi:"ahh jin you could do it instead "
-chn:"and boom"
-jn:"I don't mind we can do it now "
-JH: "ohhh June please"
Time went by fast, it was already night,as that party took it started, close friends of both mine and jiwon made it all here
-jw:"tonight I'll have fun"
-bi:"yet you didn't invited Hi, how nice of you "
I said as we both stood in a corner drinking
-jw:"I'd say I forgot about her"
-bi:"what a lovely boyfriend you are mister Kim "
-JH: "hye hanbin"
Said jin making his way towards with a big smile on his face
-JH: "guess who's here!?"
-JH: "Alice"
-JH: "she's over there let's go".
-bi:" yes,I'm off jiwon"
-jw:"have fun"

Jiwon's POV:

I said as I saw them Hugging each other tightly,yet I got a feeling inside of me...its like I hated it,watching them like that,perhaps I'm ...jealous?!
-dk:"your okay?!"
Said dk as he showed next to me out of nowhere, yet I didn't took my eyes off them
-dk:"hmmmm love is in the air!!!"
-jw:"my ass is in the air"
-jw:"you know I'll be out, I need some freche air"
I said taking my leaves,as I tried my best to clear my mind,well in the end I found my self at Hi's


🚨slight smut🚨

-LH:"Ahhh daddy"
Moaned hi as we were having some fun in there,yet I couldn't come due hanbin image in my head
I said as I pulled out of her
-LH:"what's wrong?!"
-jw:"its nothing "
-LH:"but you still hard you know"
-jw:"I know,I should go now"
-LH:"lemme take care of your problem down there"
-jw:"don't worry"
I said as I picked my cloths heading out,it was already 2:00am and I guess by that time they're all gone,soon on my way home I've got a call of June
-jw:"y-yeah bro?"
-jn:"where are you??you disappeared from your own party"
-jw:"i-i things happened "
-jn:"mind to tell me?"
-jw:"can we talk about it tomorrow June please? I've got a boner now and I should take care of it"
-jn:"bet lots is shit happened, I want you in early morning jiwon okay? "
-jw:"sure thing "
-jn:"night baby"
I hung up after that as I went home finally having difficulties on walking, yet thank god hanbin was sleeping,I went over my bathroom where I took care of it...imaging me inside of...hanbin

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