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Okay to be honest I have no idea how to start this. This is the first time I'm actually doing something like this and I didn't want the introduction to be cheesy. Soooo..... yolo.


Welcome! I'm finally back from my camping trip and ready for this ask blog (I think)! I got a bunch of characters you can ask so go wild with questions!

Elemental: don't do that please.

Don't listen to him he's just shy.
But really ask them anything! Their books, lives, *cough cough* mental states *cough*...

Elemental: I heard that!!

Anyways hope you enjoy bye bye!! *runs*

Elemental: Dragon!!!


Ps. I most likely won't do any role play in the comments because if it's just me and only one other, than everyone else could be confused. So just wanted to get that out of the way.
Be prepared for spoilers to my books like Reality Check or so on. I'll try to keep spoilers contained depending on the question but I can't promise for the future.
And also... be ready for possible feels, censored swears, and LOTS of fanboys/girls.
Lastly I can't do anything gay. Sorry but religion has spoken (My family would disapprove).

Bye bye!!

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