A Gift.

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Elliot: okay! I'll get to that sometime!

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Elliot: okay! I'll get to that sometime!

Elliot: okay! I'll get to that sometime!

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DR: I know! :3

Elliot: w-wow! Thank you!

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Elliot: w-wow! Thank you!

Pilot Elemental: question. Why is HE getting all the attention?

DR: what's wrong? Jealous?~

DR:  what's wrong? Jealous?~

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Timerone: yes reserved. Ellamental is my bride to be.

Shadow Creature: she's engaged?! *had a crush oof*


Pilot Elemental: *muttering and pacing* stupid Elementals taking the spotlight... I was the first out of them-

*door bell rings*

Pilot Elemental: hm? *goes over and opens it* *a box is on the door step* did Dragon order a present?..... a little peek couldn't hurt before I bring it~ *crouches down and removes the ribbons from the box* *the box shifts* huh? Is something inside?

 a little peek couldn't hurt before I bring it~ *crouches down and removes the ribbons from the box* *the box shifts* huh? Is something inside?

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Ellamental: what was that?

Elemental: I don't know... Ellamental you stay here. We'll go check it out.

Ellamental: o-okay.

Elliot: *goes over* PE?! What the heck man you scared u-

Pilot Elemental: OUTTA MY WAY!! *runs past them*

Elemental: the chunk? What's gotten into him?

Z Elemental: *taps their shoulders* *points to the corner of the hall*

Elemental and Elliot: 😳😳

Elemental and Elliot: 😳😳

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DR: wth? Guys what's...

Elemental: KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!


Z Elemental: *aims his sniper rifle*

DR: hey I said no weapons or magic powers in the house! Why are you guys screaming? You got everyone terrified here! *the guys point to the end of the hall*

???: *a small skinny figure floats down the hall* *its black body goes limp as it's head, with a bloody bullet hole and white dotted eyes keeps its gaze towards us* Sharp red hands scrape along the floor and pink and teal cheeks glisten in the light*

DR: oooh my package arrived!!

Elliot: you ordered that thing?!

DR: relax guys it's just another version of you. Jay get my phone we need music. *whistles a tune as I walk closer*

Elemental: what are you doing it's gonna kill you!!

DR: *keeps whistling*

???: *stops and stares at me mesmerized* *it sways it's head side to side relaxed and enjoying the music*

Jay: *runs over with the phone* here.

DR: *whistles until I find the same tune and play it over and over* thanks Jay. *picks it up as he's calm enough to hold* guys. Meet our new friend in the ask Elionette (I might change that)! I found him on eBay and thought we needed to buy him while we could! Now we need to keep the music on to keep him calm or he might attack. I don't know if he'll talk a lot, unlike some people, but you can ask him anything!

Elemental, Elliot, and Pilot Elemental: *too scared to answer* 😱

DR: guys? Oh boy... we'll continue this later. Hope you like our new member!! Bye bye!!

 Hope you like our new member!! Bye bye!!

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[Discontinued] Ask The Elementals (and friends!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora