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He leaned up, his hands gripping the bars of the cell. His white blonde hair shone in the dim light, and his lips were pulled up in a slight smirk. His black eyes watched as the guard squirmed under his steady gaze. His lean but muscular 6'5'' build was towering over the 5'6'' guard. The guard had no idea where He had gotten a black v-neck, black skinny jeans, and black combat boots, but he sure didn't want to ask the prisoner, for even though He was barricaded by bars, He seemed as if He could get to the guard in the blink of an eye.

"Johnson!" A guard down the hall yelled, jogging over to the guard by His cell. Johnson looked up to see Cates, the overseer of this side of the prison.

Johnson looked up at the approaching guard, hoping that Cates wouldn't see the outside clothing He was wearing. "What Sir?"

"Where did this prisoner receive outside clothing?" The other guard asked, motioning to Him, who was standing in his cell, looking more amused than a prisoner should.

"I'm not sure, Mr. Cates," Johnson replied nervously, knowing that his job could be on the line. Johnson knew that he very well could get fired for this, especially since there was a tiny incident not to long ago involving an escapee who got her hands on a rifle.

Cates looked at the prisoner with contempt and walked up to the bars of the cell. He gripped the prisoner's chin and forced as much of his head as possible through the bars. The prisoner should've looked, at the least, uncomfortable with so much of his head stuck between two metal bars, but if he was, he sure didn't show it.

"Where did you get that clothing?" Cates barked in the prisoner's face. Johnson saw a tiny bit of spit fly out of Cates' mouth, and cringed subtly as the drop landed on the tip of His nose.

His lips pulled into a full smirk, but he remained silent. Johnson felt a little bit sorry for the boy - after all, He was only nineteen. He must have been so naive in the ways of the world to end up in a prison like this at such a young age. For a moment, Johnson wondered what He might have done to land himself a twenty-five year sentence, but quickly diminished the thought, knowing very well that it was none of his business.

Johnson's attention was turned back to the business at hand when he heard a quite loud shout coming from Cates, who was now holding on to the boy's chin with a death grip. "I'm not going to ask again! Where did you get those clothes?!"

He still remained silent as He lazily gazed at Cates. Johnson wondered how His head hadn't exploded already, for His face was the color of freshly grown tomato. Yet somehow, the boy remained calm as ever, which pissed Cates off even further. Cates growled under his breath and pushed Him back into the cell roughly. Cates then grabbed his keys from his belt and unlocked the cell door. He walked inside and forced Him against the side wall of the cell.

"Where did you get those clothes?!" Cates yelled right in His ear. Johnson cringed not-so-subtley this time as he heard the echo of the yell, hoping that the young boy's eardrums hadn't burst, as he knew how loud Cates could be when angry.

In one quick movement though, He spun around, kicked Cates against the wall, and walked out of the cell, closing the door behind him. Johnson felt for his gun, his fingers fumbling. Screw all that he had thought before about the prisoner being young and naive - this boy radiated pure evil. Johnson feared that if he didn't kill, or at least hurt they boy, that his own life would be in serious danger.

Unfortunately, Johnson feared right. Johnson's fingers gripped onto his gun just as He shoved Johnson against the cement wall. Johnson froze in utter terror as the boy took the gun from Johnson's shaking hands and pressed the barrel against Johnson's temple.

"This isn't anything personal. You're just in the way of what I want," He said, his calm voice chilling Johnson to the bones. The boy smiled, a smile that was malicious and insane and could make anyone in their right mind cower in fear. "And when I want something, I get it."

Johnson sucked in a final breath as he heard the bullet click into place. The boy dug the barrel further into Johnson's head before pulling the trigger, sending the bullet straight through Johnson's brain. As Johnson saw the last light he would ever see, he knew that the black eyes that looked back at him held no mercy or regret. They were the eyes of a true demon, come to deliver Johnson to whatever fate he had earned.

Hi! So I'm Veronica and this is my new book. I am telling you right now that there will definitely be a second book. Idk yet about a third one.

But anyways, thanks for checking this out and it'd be pretty cool if you could stay with me the whole way through the series. Maybe you could click the vote button or comment something you liked or didn't like about it so far.

Also, this won't just be about this creep that's in jail 24/7 and eats humans for a living or something. I might possibly post the 1st chapter tonight depending on editing so that you actually have some sort of plot-ish to go on.

So I really hope that you do like it so far and that you will help me along my journey.

Xoxo - Veronica

Ps - there's a really sexy pic of Him up above or to the right. for anyone who doesn't know, that sex god is Alex Pettyfer, my non-fictional husband

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