Chapter 3

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Alex walked into the room, flipping off his mom's students as they batted their eyes at him and waved. Usually he would play along and flirt casually with them, but not that day. That day, he wasn't up for shit. He slammed open the door to his mom's office and stormed in.

"What the hell?!" Alex shouted, glaring at his mom.

His mom jumped in her seat and looked up at her fuming son calmly. "What is it, Alexander?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about!" Alex shouted, slamming his fist on her desk. He hated for his mother to see him like this, especially when it had only happened once before, but his mother had done something unforgivable.

Darlene Finders pursed her lips. "You don't need to be making such a big deal about all of this, Alexander."

Alex grabbed a vase off of the window sill and threw it to the ground, sending shards of broken glass flying across the floor, slicing Alex's ankles, but he couldn't care less at the moment. "When did you find out?!"

"I've known for almost nineteen years," Darlene said, looking at the glass covered floor. Almost nineteen years. Alex was almost nineteen years old.

Alex glared at his mom. "So my whole life time. Good to know that the person I trust the most has lied to me my whole life."

"Ale-" Darlene began.

"No!" Alex interrupted. "You don't deserve to feed me more lies. Goodbye mother." And he stormed out of the room.


Desiree took a deep breath and walked towards the dance building, her anxiety growing with every step. Today, dance workshops began, preparing the dancers for the rest of the year. Her whole college career could be based off of this moment.

She reached out, her hand touching the door handle, but the door flew open, nearly slamming into her face. Alex stormed out the door and shoved it shut angrily.

"Alex," Desiree said softly when she realize who it was. "What's wrong?"

Alex laughed once without any humor. "My whole life has been a big ass lie, but whatever. It's no big deal. How was your day?"

"What happened?" Desiree asked, trying not to step on the wrong stone.

"My mom was a bitch and lied to me my entire life, but other than that, nothing," Alex said. Alex knew that he was being cruel, but really, he had every right to be acting this way.

"What did she lie about?" Desiree inquired, her hand on the door, ready to run if necessary.

"Is it really any of your damn business?" Alex said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just trying to help," Desiree reasoned. Why was Alex being so rude? Desiree hadn't done anything, and she was only trying to understand.

Alex rolled his eyes. "When your life turns shitty you can help by hooking up with me after five bottles of tequila."

"You don't know anything about my life, Alex, so I suggest you go to your dorm and loose whatever attitude it is you have right now," Desiree said, her voice firm.

"No," Alex said. "My dorm is too small. I think I'm gonna go and get as drunk as it takes to forget about this."

"Whatever, it's your choice, Alex," Desiree replied, finally walking into the dance building.


Desiree set her dance bag down and nervously walked over to where all the other dancers were talking and laughing. All of them were girls, except for a tan boy with dark brown hair surrounded by a group of girls.

"Yay, another bitch has joined the party," the boy said, looking at Desiree.

The girls in the circle all turned to look at Desiree with smiles on their faces. A girl with black hair and bright blue eyes grinned. "Come on. Join in. What's your name?"

"Desiree," Desiree replied, walking over to stand next to the girl.

"I'm Avery," the girl said. She motioned to a brunette with brown eyes. "That's Lacey." Avery pointed to a rainbow-haired girl. "That's Lilac." She pointed at a blonde. "That's Hailey." She pointed to a girl with blue ombré hair. "That's Melissa, but we call her Mel." She pointed to a bleach blonde with pink highlights. "That's Jade." She pointed to the boy, but he spoke first.

"And I'm flawless," the boy said.

"And that's Adrian," Avery said.

"Hopefully I remember all of you," Desiree said nervously, trying to remember faces and hair color.

"Honey, if you don't it's alright," Adrian said. "We'll just put your tits in a blender."

The group began laughing, and Desiree smiled. "I really hope you're joking for the sake of my boobs."

A door on the other side of the room opened, and Professor Finders walked in, her face weary from the fight her and her son got into. "Hello students. I trust you've all met each other."

"Yas Professor," Adrian said.

"Well then let's get started," Professor Finders said, clapping her hands.


Alex slammed down his fourth glass of vodka, his vision blurring. "Another round!" He called to the bartender.

A figure slid into the seat next to Alex, who looked over. It was Him. He narrowed his black eyes. "Alexander, what is a sweet boy like you doing in a hell hole like this?"

"Wishing for a less shitty life," Alex replied, forgetting who it was he was talking to. If Alex hadn't had anything to drink, he wouldn't talk to Him at all.

He smirked slightly. "And what exactly makes your life so shitty?"

"My bitch of a mom lied to me for my whole life and I just found out today," Alex said as a new glass of vodka was placed in front of him.

"What exactly did she lie about?" He asked, knowing that the drunk boy would fall into his trap.

"My sister and dad aren't really dead," Alex slurred. "Nope. They're very much alive, seeing as I got a phone call from my sperm donor this morning."

"What did your father say?" He said, leaning in slightly.

"That he wanted to meet up with me and have me meet my sister," Alex answered softly, his eyes glazed as he looked at the full glass on the counter. Without hesitation, Alex grabbed the glass and chugged down its contents in only a few seconds.

"Interesting," He replied, before silently slipping away from the broken boy.

So here's an update for my eight readers! Enjoy!

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