Chapter 2

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Accola is spelled wrong but I'm too lazy to go back and change it. ^^^

Desiree looked up at her dorm door, anxious to walk in. This would be her home for the next year, and the person inside would be living with her. Though that may not necessarily be a good thing, for what if her roommate was a...oh gosh. Desiree paled at the thousands of bad things her roommate could be. If her roommate was terrible, surely so would her college life. Desiree shook off all negative thoughts and took one last deep breath before opening the door.

The dorm was pretty average, with two beds, two desks, two nightstands, two dressers, and one walk in closet. To the left of the main door was another door leading to a bathroom. Thankfully Desiree's crappy father had paid extra for her to be in a room with a bathroom - the less expensive dorms were forced to share a co-ed bathroom. Desiree shuddered at the thought and returned her attention to the room before her. Half of the room was filled with song lyrics and band posters, and the other side - her side - was empty. Desiree took another breath before looking at the figure sitting on the left side bed.

It was a boy. He had white blonde hair, a defined jaw, and a lean figure. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. His pitch black eyes pierced through Desiree's blue ones. Desiree wasn't sure if pitch black eyes were even possible, but apparently they had to be, for the boy sitting before her had the blackest eyes possible. They were the type of eyes you'd see in horror movies - the eyes of a demon, or even the Devil himself.

Desiree looked at the boy in shock. She couldn't share a dorm with a boy, could she? And even if she could, she wouldn't want to room with this boy if she had to die otherwise. Desiree eyed the boy. "Um...hi. Are you my roommate?"

The boy let out a small snort of amusement and looked out the window, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Well...I'm Desiree," Desiree said uncertainty. She walked in and set her stuff on the right bed. She bit her lip as she began taking out different articles from her suitcase, even though she wasn't really looking at the items. After a few minutes of silence, Desiree turned to face Him.

He still remained quiet as he gazed at the students running around through the window. Desiree shifted on her feet awkwardly, desperately praying that he wasn't her roommate.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a girl walked in. She looked over at Desiree. "Hey! Sorry I wasn't in here when you got here, I was helping my younger sister. I'm Emma, your roommate." She stuck out her hand and smiled, her bright blue eyes twinkling. So this was her roommate. Not the boy. But...if he wasn't Desiree's roommate, who was he?

Desiree smiled slowly and shook Emma's hand. "I'm Desiree."

Emma turned to her bed and froze, her eyes narrowing on the boy, who was smirking at Emma. "What the hell are you doing here?" Emma asked through clenched teeth, her eyes shooting daggers at the boy. Could this boy be a possessive ex? A creepy stalker? From what Desiree had seen so far, he could easily be either.

The boy chuckled and stood up, towering over Emma and Desiree. He walked towards Emma slowly until he was an inch away from her, her back up against the wall. Desiree contemplated running over to help Emma, but the boy looked as if he wasn't afraid to hurt a girl, and Desiree would be no match against Him.

"I just wanted to wish my twin luck on her sophomore year," the boy said, his deep voice like silk. Twin? Desiree looked between the two of them, realizing how alike they looked. They had the same white blonde hair, the same high cheekbones, the same curve in their lips. The only huge difference, besides gender, was the eye color.

Emma pushed the boy off of her, scoffing. "Get out."

The boy stalked after Emma and took her chin in his hand, forcing her to look up at him. "I don't recall you being this hateful, sister."

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