Part 1!

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It's 6 am in the morning and my alarm clock goes off. Usually I'd be really lazy to get up but somehow my body was already up off the bed. Sometimes, I think I'm different from people you know? More....unique, special. I don't see things the way other people do.
But anyways, I got dressed to go out to see my besties, Jess and Lily. We went out the park and grabbed coffee.

Jess and lily were laughing about how I haven't exactly been out and about since my past ex boyfriend. And lily wanted me to go to the club with her tonight.
We were in college you know. Partying was our thing. 🥳🤩
*later that night**

I got dressed. In a really tight dress with some heels and boy when I tell you the dress was really small and really tight, IT WAS!
I got in my car and met the girls at the club.
It had been a really long night and way too many drinks. I was so drunk that I couldn't drive or walk straight. So were the others. I was bumping into so many people and there he was😍
He was the sexiest man I've ever seen. His eyes were green. And he was strong. He had huge muscles. I wonder if he has a.......ouu lemme stop.
"Woah there are you ok?" He said giggling a bit.
"Now I am" I said laughing. Drunk off my ass.
"Your funny. It's cute. I'm Gael." He said smiling.
"I—-I'm Sel—ene" 🤤
He offered to help me to my car. And so I let him. I know, I know dumb of me to let a stranger help me to my car. He told me I was in NO condition to drive so my drunk ass gave him the keys. And told him my address. 😶

It was in the morning I woke up. Sheets covered me. Removing them I was.....naked!! 😭😭
"Tell me I didn't—" I said screaming and panicking.
Next I heard someone coming upstairs. It was him. The guy from last night.
I spoke. "Did we...?"
"Oh—no" he said. Chuckling a little.
"Great. Not that it would be bad. But not when I was drunk. I'm sure it would have bee—ok I'll stop talking" I said holding my head down with a little giggle.
He was laughing. He then said "you were drunk and when I brought you home. You started dancing and claiming it was hot. So you took off your clothes, I looked away. And when I turned you were fast asleep." He said laughing the whole time.
"Wow. I was that bad huh?"🤷🏽‍♀️😞
"Yea". He said. "But it's okay. We have our moments"
"Thank you" I said blushing😊. "For taking me home. Making sure I was good. Even though we barely know each other."
"No problem".

We went down stairs together and he grabbed his stuff. He left his number on the counter in the kitchen Incase anything like this happened again. I walked him to the door and that was the day I knew that part of me would want to see him again.
Since I was at the club with lily and Jess. I decided to call and check on them. 🤣

"Hey girrrrlllll" they both screamed. 😝
"We saw you with that cute guy from last night how'd it go?" 🤪
I explained everything so they won't think anything else happened. 🙄
I low key wanted something to happen. Maybe it will. Just not right now😁

Falling in love❤️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora