Part 2!

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It's still morning and I'm hungover 😵 I was really having a big ass migraine. All I was drinking was water. But miracles don't happen that fast.
It had been a few hours since he left. But I wanted to see him so I decided to give him a call and asked if he wanted to hang out tomorrow.

**the next day***
I was just getting dressed up to go on a little date with.......... right, Gael. Is he Spanish or  something ? His name sounds like it. 🤭
Well I got there. It was a very nice place to eat out and it looked expensive. Is 🤨🧐
I hope so cause I ain't paying😐

Well again. There he was😍
He was fiiiinnnnnneeeeee. Too fine. I mean come on these panties are new man.
I sat at the table he was at. His smile. Boy let me tell you. His smile could stay for a whole day and I will still drop dead every time I see it. And his eyes 👀 were green and I wanted them green eyes somewhere else😝. Baby boy if you know what you do to me. 👅💦.
"Hey" He said. And then I said hi.
"You look beautiful. Too beautiful." His eyes were piercing me. I smiled.
"There's that cute smile again. You're so perfect." I felt that he was trying to get somewhere so I showed all the signals baby. The flirty type I am. My ass said, " maybe when we have our food we can go to my house and watch a movie" knowing damn well the only movie I wanna watch is him. I was see all the scenes. **wink wink****
Anyhoo. Basically we just ate and spoke to each other had a few laughs and stuff. It was fun since my ex. He made me feel so proud to be out. Proud to finally be myself. I felt....happy😁. Well we drove off in our cars to my place and when we got there. I gave him one of my dad's old shirts so he can get out the hot suit. We were in my room. He changed in front of me. And I managed to see his abs.
I started to sing "boy lemme lick you up and down" quietly.
"Huh?" He tried to ask if I said something.
I shook my head and played it off. I'm a smooth criminal😅.

We then laid on my bed. We were watching a comedy movie. It was really funny. But he wasn't watching most of the time he was watching me. I peeped him. And he leaned over. Next you know our lips are locked together and my body shivers. "Is this heaven?!" I wanted to ask myself cause it felt like it.
I took control of our kiss and found myself on top of him. I was taking his shirt off and the kiss was getting more seductive. More and more sexual. It was like hunger. It was like I need all of you and I need it now. It's was amazing. His kiss went from my lips, to my neck, to my stomach, to my oop—😝😝😝😝.
It was good asf. I couldn't control it anymore. I wanted him. Inside me. The feeling was to strong and he was too good. So we lost control.
It was gonna be a wild night. 😋

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